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Found 3 results

  1. Hi! Wondering if I could get some help please. Creating some expanding tabs on scroll. Toggling visibility one at a time. Seems fine until resizing, sometimes it works other times it breaks. Not sure what is happening here? Any feedback would be appreciated thanks!
  2. On this website are sections stacked of each other and they expand one by one when scrolling. Can you achieve that with GSAP and when how? a small hint would be awesome. Here the link to the website https://www.appart.agency/ and a screenshot of the section I meant:
  3. Hey there Greensock Guys, I've got a small brainteaser I could use some of your assistance with So I've got a site with a nav that is using good old CSS transitions to achive a hover effect. I've stripped it back and created a simple copy you can check here: http://webslinger.com.au/GS_hover_test/test_1/index.html So in an effort to make the animation accesible across the board (*ahemcough* for older IE browsers) I just tweaked the nav a little and used the GSAP to achieve the same thing: http://webslinger.com.au/GS_hover_test/test_2/index.html However when you move the mouse cursor from the menu header or its empty space on to an sub-menu title it's tripping the mouseout function, and there's a slight hiccup in height every time you move to a new list item. Now I know you typically run into this problem with hovers (as opposed to clicking) and I've managed to get around it for the most part, and I've tried a couple of different approaches - like putting a delay on the mouseout, so when you rollover a sub-menu title the hiccup essentially never happens - but haven't been successful. Tried to do a bit of digging and homework first, plenty on Flash/AS forums about this, but nothing I could find for JS, appreciate any input you boys can give. Cheers
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