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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, Greetings to all with my first post ever in this mighty forum! I am trying to create a scroll effect where a list of image cards grow as they're scrolled up. The max height for each card will be the same ( determined by the image element wrapped in the container) and will be reached when the card reaches to the center of the screen. The initial height for each card on page load will be determined by their order in the document flow and the relative distance to the viewport center. Here's a mini demo I created that does an acceptable job in carrying out the desired effect, a few things that need fix: 1. the janky feel i put the demo list in the scroll smoother starter codepen and since scroll smoother uses scrolltrigger under the hood, i wonder if there's anything i need to take care to coordinate with the scrolltrigger instances i create for my animations. 2. the image flash It must be something related to refresh or update that i have messed up Besides direct fixes, I'd also hope to get some high-level clarification regarding the thinking when assessing implementation ideas for animation with gsap. My feeling is i'm not taking advantage of what it has to offer which causes repetitive work in my code when things are better off left to gsap's magic under the hood. To get there surely requires more time writing code in general, and likely a few dozens, if not more buggy demos here too. Until then, I'm hoping for some generous tips. Looking forward to any response and thank you so much in advance for your time!
  2. Hi there! Thank you one more time for a such great library. On my codepen when I press "down" button square to starts move down. If you press the "reverse" button during this time, the following behavior is expected. First, the square returns to its initial position, and then starts moving to the right. So, I need to add a tween at the beginning of the timeline in such a way that to shift the following siblings. In my codepen I add tween at the beginning of the timeline but it has no influence for next siblings.
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