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  1. Hey guys, I am new to all of this and trying really hard to create a banner where 3 lines of text stagger in ( from left to right ) then bounce and then slowly fade out. Would also love the option to repeat this every so many seconds. I have explored the repeat -1 option, but cannot find the option to repeat an action every so many second. Question: How can i fade out from where the animation last ended? Thank you guys in advance and Gsap is Awesome!
  2. Hi all, I'm sorry to clog up the forums with something I'm sure I should be able to figure out, but I'm stuck. I have an arbitrary number of SWFs all loaded into a "shell" swf via LoaderMax. These swfs are pulled from references in an XML file (though that shouldn't matter). I have a "loading" progress bar that currently waits until everything (SelfLoader, XMLLoader, and all the SWFLoaders) is finished before displaying the first loaded SWF. Let's say there are 7 SWFs. After the second is fully loaded -- and these have been prioritized, so hopefully that will help keep things in order -- I want to display the first loaded SWF while the remaining 5 load in the background. I have my handlers set up so that I can detect when the desired number of SWFs have been loaded (2 is also arbitrary and user-definable), but after that, I'm not sure how to tell my "shell" to display the first loaded SWF. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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