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Found 4 results

  1. swampthang

    Bezier Path Animation Fun

    I'm playing around with one of Blake's codepens from some time ago. I love the simplicity of the way it works without all the hassle of handles, etc. What I'd love to be able to do, is start with a simple line like that (with 3, maybe 4 points) and add the ability to click to remove, or click the line to add another point. Had anyone done something like this? Something that would merge the 2 in a very simple way?
  2. swampthang

    Dynamically Scale Path to Fit Stage

    I've been having some fun with the Bezier Plugin and am starting with a set of path options for the user to choose from. I've been looking for a way to change a given path's points to fill any stage size by either height or width. I set up a starting point in the codepen with a select menu to resize and an example path. I wondered if there might be a hidden gem in GSAP's amazing arsenal that would be able to do this conversion of points. Fingers crossed!
  3. Mental Republic

    Move several elements on the same path object

    Hi all! i am trying to create an animation where several paths move along the same path. I made one element move along the path but i am unsuccessful to make the second animate.
  4. Breizo

    BezierPlugin timeline

    Just discovered GSAP, looks great! I have looked into the Bezier plugin and I can't confirm if the time between each point is required to be constant. I am dealing with timed points not necessarily equally timed, e.g. a sequence may have points at 0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15 sec. Is there a way to deal with this constraint? Thx
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