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  1. Hello, I am very new to GSAP, and relatively new to front-end web development in general. I am always trying to optimize my workflows and organize my code such that it is readable, extensible, DRY and all the other fun acronyms associated with best practice. I recently worked on a vanity project where I coordinated multiple animations with a single event (a click), and I came across two problems that might possibly cost me a rewrite: 1) GSAP animates using element-level styling, overriding my CSS 2) Coordinating multiple animations in a single event is non-trivial Has anyone posted a best-practice of using GSAP responsibly? I'm looking for something similar to how Hugo described the 7-1 pattern for SCSS (https://github.com/HugoGiraudel/sass-boilerplate). I know that with trial and error, I can figure this out, but with all the experience in the forum, what do others do? For a solution to (1) that I am considering: Try to always use ClearProps at the end of an animation, and replace the destination of the animation with a CSS class. Is this a pattern that makes sense, assuming the animation is a transition? For (2): I am a bit stuck. I have two components that I have built to be plug and play for re-usability. However, I want these animation components to now coordinate with each other. Are there general patterns to follow on how to achieve this?
  2. Hi, This is another architectural question, and relates to the starting part of the tween. In the code I'm looking at (GSAP v10), activate() and initTweenVals() is called on the first render(), and then the tween is marked as inited and not inited again. Why is activate() not done in the constructor itself? What are the implications of such a design? Would this cause errors in the tweening engine or the way its used? Yes, I understand that in the present system the tween is initialized on the next enterFrame event (ie. the frame after its created), but are there any advantages to doing it like this? What if the tween were inited on the same frame? Thanks
  3. Hi all, This is more of a technical question, but anyways. I noticed that the "masterList" Dictionary object is cached in a local var before iterating through it. Why is this? Is there any speed benefit? var ml:Dictionary = masterList; var tgt:Object; for (tgt in ml) { I was just curious if this was needed. Thanks.
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