I'm creating a project that uses TweenLite to tween easel properties. Everything goes right all the time, except for when I try to user TimelineMax.insert() to insert a tween (that doesn't tween any properties, but that I add to keep a reference to the object and to add the onUpdate-events the whole time the object should be on the easel Stage) at a certain point in my code.
At all the other points in my code where I use insert() to insert a tween at a certain position, everything goes right, but not at one point. I keep getting the error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_time' of null
at line 564 of TimelineMax.js.. At this line this.timeline == null.
I've logged the other times I use insert() and this.timeline is never null. Also, I logged the object and it's properties, and they are also all not null or undefined.
I'm pretty stuck, do you have any idea?
(For reference, the insert code i use:)