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  1. marcusfriberg

    IE troubles

    Hi guys, I am having some IE problems and would like some support. In IE 7 and 8 the blue "panels" containing price and the text "Boek nu!" in the last frame shows through the whole animation. This works fine in Safari, GC, FF and so on, but not in IE 7 and 8. The only issue in Safari, GC and FF is that these panels show up for like a millisecond in the beginning of the sequence. I guess the both issues has anything to do with the css property "visibility", but I can't get it to work. Can someone please look at my animation and check for what could be wrong and what could fix this. This is the URL to my animation: http://marcusfriberg.com/greensock/ie-test/ Please look at it in Safari, FF, GC or newer IE to see what I want it to look like, except for that issue in the beginning where the panels show for a millisecond sometimes, and compare that to how it looks in IE 7 and 8. Please let me know if there is something that is unclear. Thanks for any kind of help! - Marcus
  2. Team, Doesn't mozilla firefox support TweenMax feature? I don't see it working in IE7 too. I have a set of ordered list that will flyin on page load. This works fine in Chrome, IE8 and IE9, but it doesn't seem to work fine in Firefox 14 and IE7. Could you please let us know the support features. And the error obtained in FF is as below: "TypeError: can't convert undefined to object: Line 14, Tweenmax.js" Thanks Abhilash
  3. Hello, I do not have any real internet explorer 8, just the compatibility mode of IE10 on a Windows 7. I saw on the forum that it could have some issues with the compatibility mode. Thus, I wonder if someone could confirm or not that this example below works on a real IE8 (and IE7 if possible) The problem I have is that the rotation does not work. There is strange behavior. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=1000" /> <title>ROTATION</title> <style>body {margin: 50px;background-color: #000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}#box {position: absolute;}</style> </head> <body> <button id="rotate">rotate</button> <div id="box"><img src="http://www.snorkl.tv/images/crab.png"></div> <script src="http://codeorigin.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.10.2/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script> $(function() { $("#rotate").on("click", function() { TweenLite.to("#box", 0.95, { directionalRotation:'+=90_short', ease:Power3.easeOut }); }); }); </script> </body> </html> Best
  4. Hi, I'm having troubles when resizing images inside a div on IE7/8, working fine on other browsers. I've got a wrapper div with a background and containing several images, you can zoom the wrapper and all the images inside will scale accordingly. Well, this zoom effect when in IE7/8 is not working properly, when I zoom the wrapper the content is not scaling (always 100%) but the background is zooming in and out correctly. This is the structure: <div id="wrapper"> <a href="">image1</div> <a href="">image2</div> <a href="">image3</div> ... </div> Thanks in advance.
  5. error in ie7 & 8 when tween moment .png and text is black border effect like this.. but when animation complete back to normal please help me... thankyou
  6. I'm having to develop a minisite which needs to be backwards compatible to IE7. I'm using jQuery and GS JS v12. I'm testing on browserstack.com -- a virtual IE7 running under a virtual Windows XP One of the errors I got is in CSSPlugin -- Invalid argument. I attach a picture at start of this message (click to see bigger). Two questions: 1) what might be going wrong? This code works fine in modern browsers. 2) is there a non-min version of the GS JS libraries to see things a little more clearly? obviously (1) depends on MY code, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with it as everything works with modern browser -- and it would be bloody hard to debug on this remote virtual machine, to see exactly which code of mine is being called — is there something with running v12 on IE7 that I should be aware of? I'm fine if it's not backwards-compatible, but just would like to know… Thanks
  7. Hey everyone, At the moment I'm working on a small class for myself to make different animated buttons with javascript, html and css (personal pre-made buttons to add them to project in the future). I'm making as much different animation I can think of growing, shining, depth, vibrating etc etc... I am now at the part where I am making them compatible for all browsers as much as possible (it's horror...) and working on a button that scales larger on mouse over. In all browsers this works perfectly fine except in IE7, IE8, and most likely IE6 too but I cant test that one. In these browsers the button does animate somewhat but does not expand and when it animates it removes the gradient filter that was on it... I have no idea how to enter this in jsfiddle, it's fairly complex :/ Because I want it to use as few files as possible and only want 1 line of code in the main document to call a button from the class, I generate the html and css of the button inside the JS file. The gradient I use for IE 7-9 is: gradientIE79 = "filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr="+ color2 +", EndColorStr="+ color1 +"); (color1 and color2 get added dynamically) and on the same button I use the follow Tween: TweenLite.to(button1, 0.25, { css:{scaleX:1.15, scaleY:1.15}}); What happens on my screen is that the button does show a sign of scaling, the top left corner of the button (I can see it because it still has a border around it) moves to the left corner to which it is supposed to tween. The problem is that the whole button move to the top left, it just re-positions instead of growing. Not only does it re-position but it also gets rid of the gradient that was on it as soon as the tween starts. I know it's all very confusing and I'm trying to explain it as good as I can. If there is anything not clear or if I left anything out, let me know. Thanks
  8. Hi, I am really enjoying using this library and am fairly new to using the javascript version. I am having some problems with the css scale. I am trying to scale a div with a background image. They syntax I am using is TweenMax.to( $('.hero'), 1, {css:{scaleX:1.5,scaleY:1.5}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}) when the animation happens the div just disappears but only in IE7 and IE8, works perfect in everything else. Is my syntax incorrect? Thanks for any help anyone can offer, Travis
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