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  1. I'm getting an actionscript error on the console but i'm doing an HTML5 simple javascript tween.to. screenshot of error attached. see all files in action here-> http://polklein.com/gs
  2. Giganticube

    LoaderMax remove item issue

    Hi guys, I wonder if you can assist, I'm trying to code for the eventuality of a corrupt image getting loaded. I currently have the error event setup to remove the offending item: function errorHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("error occurred with event target:: " + event.target + "::and event text:: " + event.text); queue.remove(event.target as LoaderCore); } However it only appears to be removing the last child of the set of images, rather than just the event.target. I've ran traces and event.target is pointing at the correct 'corrupt' image which fails to load as expected. The queue.remove is removing an item as a queue.numChildren trace reduces by one. What am I missing? Thanks, NB let me know if you want more info.
  3. evannieuwburg

    Bug: Runtime error IE8

    Reporting a bug here. On IE8 my animation complete kills the experience, throwing a runtime error popup. Works fine though on Chrome and proper browsers. I'm doing the following: animateInBars : function(callOnComplete){TweenMax.staggerFrom( dom_element.find('.barchart-bar'), 0.5,{height:"0%", ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.01, callOnComplete);}, The animation works fine, but when the onCompleteAll kicks in, it crashes. IE8 throws this at me: Object expected TweenMax.js, line 308 character 7 That corresponds to this code on line: onCompleteAll.apply(onCompleteAllScope, onCompleteAllParams); So I tried adding an empty array for the onCompleteAllParams: animateInBars : function(callOnComplete){TweenMax.staggerFrom( dom_element.find('.barchart-bar'), 0.5,{height:"0%", ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.01, callOnComplete, []);}, And that fixes it
  4. gigbig

    Error handling

    Hi, I have often stumbled on errors pointing to Greensock classes, on a certain misterious line that has appearantly nothing to do with the real problem, usually a missing/null object or an unknown property. Is there a way to handle errors (try-catch) caused by tweens? I'd like to know about a missing object before crashing into a GSAP class.
  5. I use tweenMax to do the animation, however, my page shows Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_overwrite' of null in console. anyone has seen this before? Thanks
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