Reporting a bug here. On IE8 my animation complete kills the experience, throwing a runtime error popup. Works fine though on Chrome and proper browsers. I'm doing the following:
animateInBars : function(callOnComplete){TweenMax.staggerFrom( dom_element.find('.barchart-bar'), 0.5,{height:"0%", ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.01, callOnComplete);},
The animation works fine, but when the onCompleteAll kicks in, it crashes. IE8 throws this at me: Object expected TweenMax.js, line 308 character 7 That corresponds to this code on line: onCompleteAll.apply(onCompleteAllScope, onCompleteAllParams); So I tried adding an empty array for the onCompleteAllParams:
animateInBars : function(callOnComplete){TweenMax.staggerFrom( dom_element.find('.barchart-bar'), 0.5,{height:"0%", ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.01, callOnComplete, []);},
And that fixes it