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  1. I read a lot of articles after I decided to make my own scrollable DisplayContainer in mobileStyle. There are a lot of people who had problems with clickable Items they want to scroll and here is my solution after coding a bit around to find a solution. The Class isn't optimized yet but for those who wants to start with a similar project it could help. Feedback or optimisations are really welcome. Cheers package ui.components { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import com.greensock.BlitMask; import flash.events.Event; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.ThrowPropsPlugin; import flash.ui.Multitouch; import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode; import flash.events.GestureEvent; import flash.events.TransformGestureEvent; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.Elastic; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; public class ScrollableDisplayContainer extends Sprite { Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE; TweenPlugin.activate([ThrowPropsPlugin]); protected const MIN_WIDTH:Number = 20; protected const MIN_HEIGHT:Number = 20; private var _width:Number; private var _height:Number; private var _mask:BlitMask; private var _maskHolder:Sprite; private var _maskContent:DisplayObject; private var _maskContentHolder:Sprite; private var hScroll:Boolean = false; private var vScroll:Boolean = false; private var scrollBarV:Sprite; private var scrollBarH:Sprite; private var enableScrolling:Boolean = false; private var allowScrolling:Boolean = false; private var startingPointX:Number; private var startingPointY:Number; private var scrollContentPadding:Number = 50; private var bounceAnimation:Tween; public function ScrollableDisplayContainer(width:Number, height:Number, content:DisplayObject, name:String = "content") { super(); this._width = width; this._height = height; this._maskContent = content; this._maskContent.name = name; if(!Multitouch.supportsGestureEvents) { throw new Error("This Device doesn't support GestureEvents, please go home ... nothing to see here"); } this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); } public function changeContent(content:DisplayObject, name:String = "content"):void { _maskContentHolder.removeChild(_maskContent); _maskContent = content; _maskContentHolder.addChild(_maskContent) } private function added(e:Event):void { this.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removed); init(); } private function removed(e:Event):void { this.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removed); _mask.dispose(); _mask = null; if (enableScrolling) { this.removeEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, scrollFast); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scroll); allowScrolling = true; } } private function init():void { _maskHolder = new Sprite(); this.addChild(_maskHolder); _maskContentHolder = new Sprite(); _maskHolder.addChild(_maskContentHolder); _maskContentHolder.addChild(_maskContent); _mask = new BlitMask(_maskContentHolder); _mask.x = 0; _mask.y = 0; _mask.width = this._width; _mask.height = this._height; _mask.bitmapMode = false; _mask.autoUpdate = true; setScroller(); } private function setScroller():void { _maskContent.width > _mask.width ? drawScrollBarH() : 0; _maskContent.height > _mask.height ? drawScrollBarV() : 0; if (enableScrolling) { allowScrolling = true; this.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, scrollFast); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scroll); } } private function drawScrollBarH():void { enableScrolling = true; hScroll = true; var barWidth:Number = _mask.width/(_maskContentHolder.width/_mask.width); scrollBarH = new Sprite; scrollBarH.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0x333333); scrollBarH.graphics.beginFill(0x333333, 1); scrollBarH.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, barWidth, 4, 3, 3); scrollBarH.graphics.endFill(); this.addChild(scrollBarH); scrollBarH.alpha = 0; scrollBarH.x = 1; scrollBarH.y = _mask.height - scrollBarH.height-1; } private function drawScrollBarV():void { enableScrolling = true; vScroll = true; var barHeight:Number = _mask.height/(_maskContentHolder.height/_mask.height); scrollBarV = new Sprite; scrollBarV.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0x333333); scrollBarV.graphics.beginFill(0x333333, 1); scrollBarV.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, 4, barHeight, 3, 3); scrollBarV.graphics.endFill(); this.addChild(scrollBarV); scrollBarV.alpha = 0; scrollBarV.x = _mask.width - scrollBarV.width-1; scrollBarV.y = 1; } private function scrollFast(t:TransformGestureEvent):void { t.offsetX == -1 && hScroll && allowScrolling ? scrollFastToLeft() : 0; t.offsetX == 1 && hScroll && allowScrolling ? scrollFastToRight() : 0; t.offsetY == 1 && vScroll && allowScrolling ? scrollFastDown() : 0; t.offsetY == -1 && vScroll && allowScrolling ? scrollFastUp() : 0; } private function scrollFastToLeft():void { hScroll ? scrollBarH.alpha = 0.3 : 0; _maskContentHolder.x = Math.max( _maskContentHolder.x - (_maskContentHolder.width/3), (_maskContentHolder.width-_mask.width)*-1 ); if (_maskContentHolder.x < (_maskContentHolder.width-_mask.width)*-1) { _maskContentHolder.x = (_maskContentHolder.width-_mask.width)*-1; } scrollBarH.x = calcScrollBarXaxis(); checkFinish(); } private function scrollFastToRight():void { hScroll ? scrollBarH.alpha = 0.3 : 0; _maskContentHolder.x = Math.min(_maskContentHolder.x + (_maskContentHolder.width/3), 0); if (_maskContentHolder.x > 0) { _maskContentHolder.x = 0; } scrollBarH.x = calcScrollBarXaxis(); checkFinish(); } private function scrollFastDown():void { vScroll ? scrollBarV.alpha = 0.3 : 0; _maskContentHolder.y = _maskContentHolder.y + (_maskContentHolder.height/3); if (_maskContentHolder.y > scrollContentPadding) { _maskContentHolder.y = scrollContentPadding; } scrollBarV.y = calcScrollBarYaxis(); checkFinish(); } private function scrollFastUp():void { vScroll ? scrollBarV.alpha = 0.3 : 0; _maskContentHolder.y = _maskContentHolder.y - (_maskContentHolder.height/3); if (_maskContentHolder.y < (_maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height+scrollContentPadding)*-1) { _maskContentHolder.y = (_maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height+scrollContentPadding)*-1; } scrollBarV.y = calcScrollBarYaxis(); checkFinish(); } private function scroll(m:MouseEvent):void { if (allowScrolling) { allowScrolling = false; startingPointX = m.stageX; startingPointY = m.stageY; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, endScrolling); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, scrollToDirection); } } private function endScrolling(m:MouseEvent):void { this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, endScrolling); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, scrollToDirection); checkFinish(); _mask.bitmapMode = false; } private function checkFinish():void { hScroll ? scrollBarH.alpha = 0 : 0; vScroll ? scrollBarV.alpha = 0 : 0; if (_maskContentHolder.y < (_maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height)*-1) { startAnimation("y", _maskContentHolder.y, (_maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height)*-1); } else if (_maskContentHolder.y > 0) { startAnimation("y", _maskContentHolder.y, 0); } else { allowScrolling = true; } } private function startAnimation(axis:String, start:Number, end:Number):void { bounceAnimation = new Tween(_maskContentHolder, axis, Elastic.easeOut, start, end, 1, true); bounceAnimation.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, animationFinished); } private function animationFinished(t:TweenEvent):void { bounceAnimation.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, animationFinished); allowScrolling = true; } private function scrollToDirection(m:MouseEvent):void { m.stageX < startingPointX ? scrollLeft(m.stageX, m.stageY) : 0; m.stageX > startingPointX ? scrollRight(m.stageX, m.stageY) : 0; m.stageY < startingPointY ? scrollUp(m.stageX, m.stageY) : 0; m.stageY > startingPointY ? scrollDown(m.stageX, m.stageY) : 0; } private function setNewStartingCoordinates(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void { startingPointX = xPos; startingPointY = yPos; } private function calcScrollBarXaxis():Number { var cont:Number = (_maskContentHolder.width+_maskContentHolder.x)-_mask.width; var base:Number = _maskContentHolder.width-_mask.width; var max:Number = _mask.width - scrollBarH.width; var act:Number = cont*max/base; return Math.floor(max - act); } private function calcScrollBarYaxis():Number { var cont:Number = (_maskContentHolder.height+_maskContentHolder.y)-_mask.height; var base:Number = _maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height; var max:Number = _mask.height - scrollBarV.height; var act:Number = cont*max/base; var ret:Number = Math.floor(max - act); ret < 0 ? ret = 0 : 0; ret > max ? ret = max : 0; return ret; } private function scrollLeft(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void { _mask.bitmapMode = true; hScroll ? scrollBarH.alpha = 0.3 : 0; setNewStartingCoordinates(xPos, yPos); _maskContentHolder.x = _maskContentHolder.x -3; if (_maskContentHolder.x < (_maskContentHolder.width-_mask.width)*-1) { _maskContentHolder.x = (_maskContentHolder.width-_mask.width)*-1; } scrollBarH.x = calcScrollBarXaxis(); } private function scrollRight(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void { _mask.bitmapMode = true; hScroll ? scrollBarH.alpha = 0.3 : 0; setNewStartingCoordinates(xPos, yPos); _maskContentHolder.x = _maskContentHolder.x +3; if (_maskContentHolder.x > 0) { _maskContentHolder.x = 0; } scrollBarH.x = calcScrollBarXaxis(); } private function scrollUp(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void { _mask.bitmapMode = true; vScroll ? scrollBarV.alpha = 0.3 : 0; setNewStartingCoordinates(xPos, yPos); _maskContentHolder.y = _maskContentHolder.y -3; if (_maskContentHolder.y < (_maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height+scrollContentPadding)*-1) { _maskContentHolder.y = (_maskContentHolder.height-_mask.height+scrollContentPadding)*-1; } scrollBarV.y = calcScrollBarYaxis(); } private function scrollDown(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void { _mask.bitmapMode = true; vScroll ? scrollBarV.alpha = 0.3 : 0; setNewStartingCoordinates(xPos, yPos); _maskContentHolder.y = _maskContentHolder.y +3; if (_maskContentHolder.y > scrollContentPadding) { _maskContentHolder.y = scrollContentPadding; } scrollBarV.y = calcScrollBarYaxis(); } } } Usage: import flash.display.Sprite; import ui.components.ScrollableDisplayContainer; import flash.events.MouseEvent; var a:Sprite = new Sprite(); a.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0xFF0000); a.graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 1); a.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 1000, 800); a.graphics.endFill(); var aa:Sprite = new Sprite(); aa.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0xFF0000); aa.graphics.beginFill(0x00FF00, 1); aa.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 1000, 500); aa.graphics.endFill(); aa.buttonMode=true; aa.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicked); function clicked(m:MouseEvent):void { trace ('clicked: '+m.target); } var c:Sprite = new Sprite(); c.addChild(a); a.x = 0; a.y = 0; c.addChild(aa); aa.x = 0; aa.y = 200; var b:ScrollableDisplayContainer; b = new ScrollableDisplayContainer(600, 560, c); addChild(;
  2. Hi, I'm really new to all this and this is my second post. I'm trying to do something I thought was simple, but something does not work. I have two div (#red and #blue) and two buttons (#opacity1 and #opacity2), clicking the first button will increase the opacity of the first div while decreasing the opacity of the second div and vice versa. The code I'm using doesn't seems to work, can someone help? Thanks UPDATE: There's an error in the code, sorry!!! .to("#blue", 0.1, { opcity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); should be .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); (opacity instead of opcity) and now seems to works. Anyway, am I doing this correctly? or there is a better way? Thanks. $('#opacity1').click(function() { var tl1 = new TimelineMax(); tl1.to("#red", 0.1, {opacity: "-=0.1" }, "0") .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); }); $('#opacity2').click(function() { var tl2 = new TimelineMax(); tl2.to("#red", 0.1, {opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0") .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "-=0.1" }, "0"); });
  3. Is there a way to change the click test from 3px to something greater? I'm finding in Android browsers that a Draggable object is hard to click because it has a tendency to move a very short distance when I tap the field. On most mobile browsers, 3px is extemely tiny because of retina displays, thus a larger pixel range would be beneficial.
  4. Hallo, I''m trying to get two followup clicks with different output running. First click should trigger the animation. After the animation has ended, a second click shouldn't trigger the animation again but open aURL. codepen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/daeuC thank you for help!
  5. I am trying to set up a slider that when you click the right arrow it moves the slider to the left -750px. I can get it to do it once but need it to move -750px everytime I click the arrow. In jquery .animate I can set it to -=750px and everytime I click the arrow it moves it over -750px. Is there a way I can do that with tweenlite. Here is my code.... $(document).ready(function() { $('#Rt-arrow').click(function() { TweenLite.to('#slider', 2, {x:-750}); });// end click });// end ready
  6. Hi Everyone, Been using greensock for a couple of months now. I finally got us to upgrade to the newest version and some things are different. My issues is we have a main big timeline that our animation runs on. There are points in it when we pause the timeline and people need to click on stuff and other animations happens. After they click everything they need to we restart the main timeline. The click functions have their own timeline with tweens in them. Well on the newer version we are using, when we resume the main timeline it ignores the css/tweens that happen in the click timeline. It restarts like the clicks animations never happen. Before on the older version we used that didn't happen. I'm seeing if there is a way to have a main timeline and have it keep the css and animtaion end tween from click on resume of the main timeline. I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
  7. If I use LoaderMax to load pngs with transparent backgrounds and add mouse event listeners to the pngs, will the listeners respond when the mouse is over the transparent portion of the png? If so, is there a way to change this so that the mouse events only dispatch when hovering over opaque portions of the png? Thank you
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