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  1. Hi, I want to know how to clear all the animated properties from TimelineMax at once. not individual. like onComplete clearProp all or something like that and all the nested elements also. is there a way to use wildcard selector? ex: var tl = new TimelineMax({id:"sliderOut", autoRemoveChildren:true, onComplete:function(){ // i want to clear all the animated values and properties at once not individual }}); tl .staggerTo($nameSplit.chars, 0.4, {y:'-10', autoAlpha:0, ease:Power4.easeInOut},0.05,"+=0") .staggerTo($descSplit.words, 0.4, {y:'-10', autoAlpha:0, ease:Power4.easeInOut},0.05,"-=0.5") .staggerTo($techSplit.lines, 0.4, {x:'10', autoAlpha:0, ease:Power4.easeInOut},0.05,"-=0.5") .to($slide_img, 1, {yPercent:'10', autoAlpha:0, ease:Power4.easeOut},"-=0.5") .to($slide_left_svg_bg, 1.5, {x:'20%', autoAlpha:0, ease:Back.easeInOut},"-=0.5") .to($slide_right_svg_bg, 1.5, {x:'-20%', autoAlpha:0, ease:Back.easeInOut},"-=1.5") .staggerTo($staticTitleSplit.chars, 0.5, {y:'20', autoAlpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut},0.03,"-=1.5") .staggerTo($numSplit.chars, 0.5, {y:'20', autoAlpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut},0.03,"-=1.5") .to($left_out_bg, 0.5, {x:'100%', ease:Power4.easeOut},"-=0.5") .to($right_out_bg, 0.5, {x:'-100%', ease:Power4.easeOut},"-=0.5");
  2. hello, I want to animate any element, and when I click on each element it changes position and stop animation. http://codepen.io/kingproo/pen/KVaNoJ
  3. How do you clear a timeline every time you perform a mouseover and mouseout function? Here is my code: http://codepen.io/vincentccw/pen/paslB My problem now is that the animation will build up within the variable and causing some weird behaviours when I perform more than one hover....
  4. Hello all... i had a couple questions about clear and kill methods: What is the difference between using clear(), versus one of the kill methods and/or clearProps? Is the clear() method faster, and just clears a timeline? ...versus using one of the kill methods, or clearProps on a individual basis? Also is clear() better than using killAll()? thanks ahead of time for any clarification?
  5. Hello.. i am trying to clear properties on a tween and/or timeline. But no matter what or where i use it, it wont clear the properties off the element (image). sample code below: var tl = new TimelineMax({ paused:true, autoRemoveChildren:true, onComplete: function(){ //TweenMax($("img"),{clearProps:"all"}); TweenMax($("img"),{clearProps:"transformOrigin,transform,scale"}); } }); tl.add( TweenMax.to($("img"), 4, { css:{ transformOrigin:"left top", scale:1.5 }, clearProps: "transformOrigin,transform,scale", //clearProps: "all", ease: Linear.easeOut, onComplete: function(){ //TweenMax($("img"),{clearProps:"all"}); TweenMax($("img"),{clearProps:"transformOrigin,transform,scale"}); } }) ); tl.play(); and here is my codepen example: http://codepen.io/jonathan/pen/rwFva as you can see using your browser code inspector/console.. you can see how after the animation completes the transform properties do not get cleared. You can see how i tried 3 ways that are commented out: the clearProps that is called in the onComplete callback of the Timeline using the set method the clearProps that is called in the onComplete callback of the added Tween using the set method and the clearProps property on the added tween. No matter which way i try to clear properties, i cant seem to have the element clear the properties GSAP has added. If you check my code pen example commenting out each way you can see how its not clearing the style attribute css properties: transform matrix3d, transform origin or any css that GSAP adds to the element (image). Any help will be highly appreciated!
  6. Gabriel

    kill vs clear

    Could someone explain the difference between using kill() or clear() on a timeline? That is, besides kill() being able to kill individual tweens, lets assume we're using kill() on the entire timeline itself. The documentation is unclear (use kill to kill a tween; define kill?). If they're the same, then why use clear(), other than the timeline instance being preserved? And, I'm interested if either resets the positions of elements in a timeline to their beginning position, or what the best way to go about that is? Thanks!
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