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  1. Hi, I just started using TweenMax today. I have a question about tweening multiple objects, not sure if I'm going about this the best way. Objects A, B, C are on the stage in order and scaled accordingly (100%, 60% and 40%) eg. 1st place =A at 100%, 2nd place= B at 60%, 3rd place =C at 40% When you click B. The order need to change in a tween to this --> B, C, A. When you click C. The order need to change in a tween to this --> C, A, B. You can click A, B, or C at any time and change the order/focus. Here's my code: 3 if statements that check to see where the object is positioned (in 1st plae, 2nd or 3rd.) // ActionScript Document if(productC._x > 250){ trace ("hello"); //TweenMax.to(productA, 1, {_x:140, _y:75, _xscale:60, _yscale:60}); //to 2 TweenMax.to(productB, 1, {_x:-13, _y:40, _xscale:100, _yscale:100}); //to 1 TweenMax.to(productA, 1, { _alpha:0}); //to invisible TweenMax.to(productA, 1, {_x:268, _y:90, _xscale:40, _yscale:40, _alpha:100}); //to 3 TweenMax.to(productB, 1, { _alpha:0}); //to invisible\ TweenMax.to(productC, 1, {_x:-13, _y:40, _xscale:100, _yscale:100}); //to 1 //TweenMax.to(productB, 1, {_x:-116, _y:154, _xscale:40, _yscale:40, _alpha:0 ,delay:2, overwrite:1}); //to down and out } //TweenMax.to(productB, 1, { _alpha:0}); //to invisible //TweenMax.to(productC, 1, {_x:-13, _y:40, _xscale:100, _yscale:100}); //to 1 if(productC._x = 140){ trace ("yo_140"); TweenMax.to(productC, 1, {_x:-13, _y:40, _xscale:100, _yscale:100}); //to 1 TweenMax.to(productB, 1, { _alpha:0}); //to invisible productB._x = 350; productB._y = 90; productB._xscale = 40; productB._yscale = 40; productB._alpha=100; TweenMax.to(productA, 1, {_x:140, _y:75, _xscale:60, _yscale:60, _alpha:100}); //to 2 TweenMax.to(productB, 1, {_x:268, _y:90, _xscale:40, _yscale:40, _alpha:100, timeScale : 0.5 }); //to 3 } if(productC._x < 0){ trace ("yo_0"); TweenMax.to(productC, 1, { _alpha:0}); //to invisible TweenMax.to(productA, 1, {_x:-13, _y:40, _xscale:100, _yscale:100}); //to 1 TweenMax.to(productB, 1, {_x:140, _y:75, _xscale:40, _yscale:40, _alpha:100}); //to 2 TweenMax.to(productC, 1, {_x:268, _y:90, _xscale:40, _yscale:40, _alpha:100}); //to 3 } Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi j_rock Check this .fla If you don't understand something, just ask. // When you use getNextHighestDepth(), you have to refer it to an object where the next highest depth will be evaluate // like this.getNextHighestDepth() or home.getNextHighestDepth() // getNextHighestDepth() alone will not work i think // When you do // var transformManager_obj = new TransformManager({forceSelectionToFront:false, allowDelete:true}); // var transformManager_obj = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[t], bounds:{xMin:0, xMax:900, yMin:0, yMax:900}, forceSelectionToFront:true, eventHandler:onAnyEvent}); // the next var applied to "transformManager_obj" will overwrite all previous property you set in the first instantiation // Declar your vars at one in a function like // var transformManager_obj = new TransformManager({forceSelectionToFront:false, allowDelete:true}); // transformManager_obj = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[t], bounds:{xMin:0, xMax:900, yMin:0, yMax:900}, forceSelectionToFront:true, eventHandler:onAnyEvent}); Hope it help you
  3. I just tried your test and it worked perfectly for me. Could you post an FLA that demonstrates the problem? There's really no code inside TweenLite that I can think of that could possibly cause behavior like that. It would just tween the _alpha value from 0 to 100. Do you maybe have some other conflicting tween where you set overwrite:false that's also trying to tween the _alpha of the same TextField at the same time? That could explain the behavior.
  4. sorry i feel i may have put this in the wrong section. basically you can use tweenLite to: TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {alpha:0}); followed by TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {alpha:1, overwrite:false}); in order to fade in and then out of alpha, i was just wondering whether there was a set "autoAlpha" which faded to a set amount i.e. 0, 0.2, etc and then back to 1 automatically. sorry for the confusion Dan
  5. The "Multiple targets" explanation was excactly what I was looking for Had a love affair with fuse, but TweenMax has marriage potential. This code works for me: 1 . Scaling sprite PImage01 up and at the same time calling function Alpha to alpha down an array of sprites to 0.5. 2 . Scaling sprite PImage01 down and at the same time calling the same function Alpha to alpha an array of sprites back up to 1. function Alpha(Avalue:Number,Aid:String) { var A:Array; if (Aid == "A1") A = new Array(PImage02,PImage03,PImage04,PImage05,PImage06,PImage07,PImage08); TweenMax.allTo(A, Number(1.0), { alpha:Number(Avalue), ease:Quadratic.easeIn, overwrite:false }); } var D:Number = 0; TweenMax.to(PImage01, 1.0, { delay: D, scaleX:1.2, scaleY:1.2, ease:Quadratic.easeInOut, overwrite:false, onStart:Alpha, onStartParams:[0.5,"A1"] }); TweenMax.to(PImage01, 1.0, { delay: D+=4, scaleX:1.0, scaleY:1.0, ease:Quadratic.easeInOut, overwrite:false, onStart:Alpha, onStartParams:[1,"A1"] }); thank U TweenMax. Hippiesvin
  6. Moses Gunesch has created a very fast, lightweight core AS3 animation framework that he's proposing as a standard of sorts. You can learn more about it at http://www.goasap.org. He's done a great job of making it fast, but due to several factors I won't go in to right now, TweenMax would be slower if it was built on the GoASAP framework. It definitely wouldn't be a good fit for TweenLite because it would more than double the file size. In fact, here are some benchmarks I ran: GoASAP-based size: 6600 bytes TweenLite size: 3096 bytes GoASAP-based speed (without overlap checking): 45.5fps GoASAP-based speed (with overlap checking): 3.9fps TweenLite speed (with overlap checking): 51.7fps As you can see, the speed was somewhat close when I turned off the overlap monitor but since by default, TweenLite overwrites competing tweens of the same Object, it seems necessary to turn that on. It’s not an apples-to-apples comparison with the overwriting, though, because TweenLite takes an "all or nothing" approach (overwriting all pre-existing tweens of the same Object OR not overwriting any if you set overwrite:false) whereas I believe the GoASAP framework checks each individual property for overlaps. Also, Moses has been kind enough to take on the job of optimizing the code for use with his engine (and tweaking his engine to make it work better with TweenMax), so the speed gap will likely get even smaller, especially the overlap checking - my version may have implemented it incorrectly or something because those numbers seem way out of whack. In the end, the GoASAP version may only be 1 or 2 fps slower when pushing around 1500 instances which is pretty darn good. Since TweenMax isn't so concerned about file size, it would be the only engine of mine that I'd consider building on GoASAP. So if the GoASAP-based version is slower and fatter, why would I even consider it? Well, as Moses explains, it can be very convenient to have a single core engine that's driving everything in your SWF. For example, if you had a physics engine and a 3D engine and a tweening engine running on a common framework and you wanted to pause everything, you could do it in one place instead of 3. Plus it could be convenient to have all the systems synchronized so that when an UPDATE event is dispatched, you know that the physics, 3D, and tweening values have all been updated. I'd like to serve you well, so please let me know what you think - should I rework TweenMax so that it's built on top of the GoASAP framework? Are the speed and file size trade offs worth the increased flexibility and convenience?
  7. GSAP 3 Cheat Sheet @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Signika+Negative:300,400&display=swap'); ::selection { background-color: #88ce04; color: white; } body { background: #111; color: white; font-family: "Signika Negative", sans-serif; font-size: 19px; line-height: 1.4; font-weight: 300; margin: 0; text-align: center; } body > * { text-align: left; } a { font-weight: 400; color: #88ce02; text-decoration: none; } a:hover, a:hover .ipsPager_type { color: #a7ff00; text-decoration: underline; } .pdf-icon { width: 32px; vertical-align: bottom; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 12px; } .ipsCode { background: #fafafa; padding: 15px !important; border: 0 !important; border-left: 4px solid #5e9815 !important; clear: both; direction: ltr; word-wrap: normal; } .prettyprint { font-family: "Consolas", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; font-size: 15px; font-weight: normal; border: none; line-height: 18px; margin: 0 0 15px; background: #262626; border-radius: 6px; 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} .cheat-container > * { flex-grow: 1; } .cheat-container > *:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 10px; } .cheat-container h2 { text-align: left; color: white; font-weight: 300; font-size: 2em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4px; } .cheat-content a:hover { color: white; } .cheat-content .ipsCode a:hover { color: #88ce02; } footer p { margin: 0 auto 2em; text-align: center; } footer img { vertical-align: middle; width: 100px; margin-left: 15px; } @media (max-width: 1659px), print { .cheat-content { display: flex; max-width: 100vw; flex-wrap: wrap; } .cheat-content > * { flex-grow: 1; } .cheat-container { display: contents; } .cheat-container:not(:first-child) h2 { margin-top: 3rem; } .cheat-container > * { padding: 10px; } .cheat-header > .cheat-container > * { padding: 0; } .cheat-container > *:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 0; } } @media (max-width: 648px) { .cheat-header .logo { position: static; display: block; margin: 0 auto; } .cheat-header.cDarkContent { padding-left: 10px; } .column { max-width: calc(100% - 20px); } .cheat-container pre { overflow: auto; } } GSAP 3 Cheat Sheet .cls-1,.cls-3{fill:#111;}.cls-1{stroke:#999;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:6px;}.cls-2{fill:#88ce02;} Most code is linked to the appropriate page in the Docs Links: Get started | Install | Forums | Tips | Learning | CodePen | Club Basics // "to" tween (animate to provided values) gsap.to(".selector", { // selector text, Array, or object x: 100, // any properties (not limited to CSS) backgroundColor: "red", // camelCase duration: 1, // seconds delay: 0.5, ease: "power2.inOut", stagger: 0.1, // stagger start times paused: true, // default is false overwrite: "auto", // default is false repeat: 2, // number of repeats (-1 for infinite) repeatDelay: 1, // seconds between repeats repeatRefresh: true, // invalidates on each repeat yoyo: true, // if true > A-B-B-A, if false > A-B-A-B yoyoEase: true, // or ease like "power2" immediateRender: false, onComplete: myFunc, // other callbacks: // onStart, onUpdate, onRepeat, onReverseComplete // Each callback has a params property as well // i.e. onUpdateParams (Array) }); // "from" tween (animate from provided values) gsap.from(".selector", {fromVars}); // "fromTo" tween (define both start and end values) gsap.fromTo(".selector", {fromVars}, {toVars}); // special properties (duration, ease, etc.) go in toVars // set values immediately (no animation) gsap.set(".selector", {toVars}); Timelines // Create a timeline let tl = gsap.timeline({ delay: 0.5, paused: true, // default is false repeat: 2, // number of repeats (-1 for infinite) repeatDelay: 1, // seconds between repeats repeatRefresh: true, // invalidates on each repeat yoyo: true, // if true > A-B-B-A, if false > A-B-A-B defaults: { // children inherit these defaults duration: 1, ease: "none" }, smoothChildTiming: true, autoRemoveChildren: true, onComplete: myFunc, // other callbacks: // onStart, onUpdate, onRepeat, onReverseComplete // Each callback has a params property as well // i.e. onUpdateParams (Array) }); // Sequence multiple tweens tl.to(".selector", {duration: 1, x: 50, y: 0}) .to("#id", {autoAlpha: 0}) .to(elem, {duration: 1, backgroundColor: "red"}) .to([elem, elem2], {duration: 3, x: 100}); // position parameter (controls placement) tl.to(target, {toVars}, positionParameter); 0.7 // exactly 0.7 seconds into the timeline (absolute) "-=0.7" // overlap with previous by 0.7 sec "myLabel" // insert at "myLabel" position "myLabel+=0.2" // 0.2 seconds after "myLabel" "<" // align with start of most recently-added child "<0.2" // 0.2 seconds after ^^ "-=50%" // overlap half of inserting animation's duration "<25%" // 25% into the previous animation (from its start) Control methods // retain animation reference to control later let anim = gsap.to(...); // or gsap.timeline(...); // most methods can be used as getters or setters anim.play() // plays forward .pause() .resume() // respects direction .reverse() .restart() .timeScale(2) // 2 = double speed, 0.5 = half speed .seek(1.5) // jump to a time (in seconds) or label .progress(0.5) // jump to halfway .totalProgress(0.8) // includes repeats // when used as setter, returns animation (chaining) // other useful methods (tween and timeline) .kill() // immediately destroy .isActive() // true if currently animating .then() // Promise .invalidate() // clear recorded start/end values .eventCallback() // get/set an event callback // timeline-specific methods // add label, tween, timeline, or callback .add(thing, position) // calls function at given point .call(func, params, position) // get an Array of the timeline's children .getChildren() // empties the timeline .clear() // animate playhead to a position linearly .tweenTo(timeOrLabel, {vars}) // ^^ with both start and end positions .tweenFromTo(from, to, {vars}) Eases // see greensock.com/ease-visualizer ease: "none" // no ease (same as "linear") // basic core eases "power1", "power2", "power3", "power4", "circ", "expo", "sine" // each has .in, .out, and .inOut extensions // i.e. "power1.inOut" // expressive core eases "elastic", "back", "bounce", "steps(n)" // in EasePack plugin (not core) "rough", "slow", "expoScale(1, 2)" // members-only expressive plugins CustomEase, CustomWiggle, CustomBounce ScrollTrigger scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".selector", // selector or element start: "top center", // [trigger] [scroller] positions end: "20px 80%", // [trigger] [scroller] positions // or relative amount: "+=500" scrub: true, // or time (in seconds) to catch up pin: true, // or selector or element to pin markers: true, // only during development! toggleActions: "play pause resume reset", // other actions: complete reverse none toggleClass: "active", fastScrollEnd: true, // or velocity number containerAnimation: tween, // linear animation id: "my-id", anticipatePin: 1, // may help avoid jump snap: { snapTo: 1 / 10, // progress increment // or "labels" or function or Array duration: 0.5, directional: true, ease: "power3", onComplete: callback, // other callbacks: onStart, onInterrupt }, pinReparent: true, // moves to documentElement during pin pinSpacing: false, pinType: "transform" // or "fixed" pinnedContainer: ".selector", preventOverlaps: true, // or arbitrary string once: true, endTrigger: ".selector", // selector or element horizontal: true, // switches mode invalidateOnRefresh: true, // clears start values on refresh refreshPriority: 1, // influence refresh order onEnter: callback // other callbacks: // onLeave, onEnterBack, onLeaveBack, onUpdate, // onToggle, onRefresh, onRefreshInit, onScrubComplete } Other Plugins // Register GSAP plugins (once) before using them gsap.registerPlugin(Draggable, TextPlugin); // Available plugins Draggable, DrawSVGPlugin*, EaselPlugin, Flip, GSDevTools*, InertiaPlugin*, MorphSVGPlugin*, MotionPathPlugin, MotionPathHelper*, Physics2DPlugin*, PhysicsPropsPlugin*, PixiPlugin, ScrambleTextPlugin*, ScrollToPlugin, ScrollTrigger, SplitText*, TextPlugin // * available to Club GSAP members. greensock.com/club Installation // Import and register GSAP (ES Modules) import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { DrawSVGPlugin } from "gsap/DrawSVGPlugin"; gsap.registerPlugin(DrawSVGPlugin); // Import and register GSAP (UMD/CommonJS) import { gsap } from "gsap/dist/gsap"; import { DrawSVGPlugin } from "gsap/dist/DrawSVGPlugin"; gsap.registerPlugin(DrawSVGPlugin); Utility methods // accessible through gsap.utils.foo() checkPrefix() // get relevant browser prefix for property clamp() // clamp value to range distribute() // distribute value among and array getUnit() // get unit of string interpolate() // interpolate between values mapRange() // map one range to another normalize() // map a range to the 0-1 range pipe() // sequence function calls random() // generates a random value selector() // get a scoped selector function shuffle() // shuffles an array in-place snap() // snap a value to either increment or array splitColor() // splits color into RGB array toArray() // convert array-like thing to array unitize() // adds specified unit to function results wrap() // place number in range, wrapping to start wrapYoyo() // place number in range, wrapping in reverse Nesting Timelines function scene1() { let tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.to(...).to(...); // build scene 1 return tl; } function scene2() { let tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.to(...).to(...); // build scene 2 return tl; } let master = gsap.timeline() .add(scene1()) .add(scene2(), "-=0.5") // overlap slightly Miscellaneous // Get the current value of a property gsap.getProperty("#id", "x"); // 20 gsap.getProperty("#id", "x", "px"); // "20px" // Set GSAP's global tween defaults gsap.defaults({ease: "power2.in", duration: 1}); // Configure GSAP's non-tween-related settings gsap.config({ autoSleep: 60, force3D: false, nullTargetWarn: false, trialWarn: false, units: {left: "%", top: "%", rotation: "rad"} }); // Register an effect for reuse gsap.registerEffect({ name: "fade", effect: (targets, config) => { return gsap.to(targets, { duration: config.duration, opacity: 0 }); }, defaults: {duration: 2}, extendTimeline: true }); // Now we can use it like this gsap.effects.fade(".box"); // Or directly on timelines tl.fade(".box", {duration: 3}) // Add listener gsap.ticker.add(myFunction); function myFunction(time, deltaTime, frame) { // Executes on every tick after // the core engine updates } // To remove the listener later... gsap.ticker.remove(myFunction); // faster way to repeatedly set property than .set() const setX = gsap.quickSetter("#id", "x", "px"); document.addEventListener("pointermove", e => setX(e.clientX) ); For an all access pass to premium content - JOIN CLUB GSAP
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