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  1. Hello again , I thought I'm done with 'missing plugin' but not , i made all new installation of Gsap and still have console notifications about missing plugin , already registered scroll-plugin coz it told is missing even if I don,t use. and again the same. I made another file for page transition and it seem like this code is messing. I don't see problem coz it works how I want but the notification in console.lines.js Can you have a look on this?
  2. Rodrigo , thanks a lot . little mistake so much mess . Sorted?
  3. Hi , I started everything from zero and have the same problem , warn("Invalid property", property, "set to", value, "Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()"); I'm not using any special plugins of GSAP. I don't use even CustomEese, but I registered it . How '.logo' can be invalid? It works but I have warnings in Console. How can I sorted ? Any help Please animOnes.js
  4. thanks again for quick answer , will change it immediately and let know how it works.
  5. that's what i have import gsap from 'gsap'; 'part of animation js', import CustomEase from "gsap/CustomEase"; gsap.registerPlugin(CustomEase); const animOnes = (container) => { const rightLinks = container.querySelectorAll('.nav-anim') const scroll = container.querySelector('.scroll') const h1 = container.querySelector('.section-link h1') 'part of index.js' import '/src/css/style.scss' import smoothscroll from 'smoothscroll-polyfill'; import barba from '@barba/core'; import barbaPrefetch from '@barba/prefetch'; import gsap from 'gsap'; gsap.registerPlugin(CustomEase); import CustomEase from "gsap/CustomEase"; I started this project again still a lot of mess ,it shows me in console ap-core.js:164 GSAP target [object NodeList] not found. not found coz it physically doesn't exist is in some html files , so why is it looking for something non existent. In this case 'nav'. it only is in index.htlm 'about' , 'contact' html's don't have it . it's like a scrolling nav to sections. that's links to it if you like to see it https://6428a954b233897905779d10--blissful-easley-bd2cc4.netlify.app/index.html. One very important thing, I'm not pro. Thanks for answering
  6. the only plugin what Im using is "CustomEase". do I need to register other plugins for timeLine and Tweens?
  7. That's definitely not new but after checking similar problems I did use "nullTargetWarn". Console stopped showing GSAP target [object NodeList] not found. https://greensock.com but it did solve the animation problem- "target .rightnav-link not found". this is link to my test website:https://6428a954b233897905779d10--blissful-easley-bd2cc4.netlify.app/index.html. Going from "work"to "about" and again is reloading with with errors. my codpen link https://codepen.io/Norb48/pen/BaqBpwz
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