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Everything posted by Xurshed

  1. Hello guys, it is me again. My project has different kind of background (especially black and white), so my navbar toggle should change based on different background color. I got stuck in this problem. Like this above, when black background reaches, my text color should be white, and so others. Please help me out!. Thank you!
  2. Thank you, @Cassie. I appreciate it
  3. Hey, guys! I found a very smooth animation in in this website. Can you guys help me out or give me an example please with this section below. Thank you
  4. Yes, i know @Cassie. It is starting at the 'start' marker, but it is appearing above the component as i showed in the image. Something forces it to start earlier. But i dont know what is it.
  5. In the given codepen, it is not wworking well, but nevermind. I just need to know Why animation starts early!?
  6. Hey, guys! My ScrollTrigger animation starts earlier and before its position. Plus, it appears over the previous component. I don't know what am i doing wrong. I appreciate if you can solve my problem. Please help with this, this is soo urgent! I know it is somehow broken.
  7. please, @Cassie, @GreenSock, @PointC, @akapowl help me
  8. Hey, guys! My ScrollTrigger animation starts earlier and before its position. Plus, it appears over the previous component. I don't know what am i doing wrong. I appreciate if you can solve my problem. Please help with this, this is soo urgent! gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) useEffect(() => { let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#wrapper-letters', scrub: true, pin: true, start: 'top center', end: "+=" + (window.innerHeight * 3), markers: true, } }) tl.to('#letter-c', 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: -100 }) .to('#letter-r', 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: -100 }) .to('#letter-e', 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: -100 }) .to('#letter-a', 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: -100 }) .to('#letter-t', 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: -100 }) .to('#text-container', { rotate: -90, duration: 3, }) .to('#letter-new', { opacity: 1, x: -50, duration: 1.5 }) .to('#letter-c', { y: -400, duration: 1.5, }) .to('#letter-r', { y: -400, duration: 1.5, }) .to('#letter-e', { y: -400, duration: 1.5, }) .to('#letter-new', { x: -350, duration: 1.5, }) .to('#letter-a', { y: -400, duration: 1.5, }) .to('#letter-t', { y: -400, duration: 1.5, }) .to('#word-container', { rotate: 90, duration: 1.5, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, }) .to('#all-container', { color: '#000' }) .to('#letter-p', { opacity: 1, y: -100, duration: 1.5 }) .to('#letter-second-a', { opacity: 1, y: -100, duration: 1.5 }) .to('#letter-second-t', { opacity: 1, y: -100, duration: 1.5 }) .to('#letter-h', { opacity: 1, y: -100, duration: 1.5 }) .to('#letter-s', { opacity: 1, y: -100, duration: 1.5 }) .to('#all-container', { opacity: 0, duration: 2 }) }, [ScrollTrigger])
  9. Thank you @akapowl This is the exact solution that i want to get.
  10. Thanks, @Cassie, but I want exact animation in https://circle.sx/#footer. I need a logic for this animation
  11. Hey guys, I want to know how to do an animation like this website: https://circle.sx/#footer I need an image with MouseOver effect. Please guys, i appreaciate if you can solve. Thank you!
  12. Hey @Cassie Thanks for your attention. I just only need the last part, like this. Like when animation ends, they should stop, then the color should be changed with pin. Other parts are solved. I would be happy, if u do it
  13. Hey @GreenSock, Thank you. https://greensock.com/forums/topic/28820-element-animation-and-pinning-based-on-other-element/?do=findComment&comment=143171&_backrid=99537 Can you solve this problem too? I could not understand the logic, if you don't mind, please help with this component. thank you!
  14. Oh, okay. I hope they @Cassie @GreenSock @OSUblake @akapowl @PointC will solve this. Anyway, thank you so much.
  15. Oh, @mikel Thank you so much! I appreciate it. You saved my life. By the way, why it is not working on smaller window size, i mean in smaller devices?
  16. Thank you, @mikel. This is an exact solution to my issue, but if you can help with this problem below. This tween should stop when reaches the last option, like in http://b14.dk/14years/. Like this animation. Thank you again!
  17. Hello guys, I am trying to make a component like https://b14.dk/14years/ exactly, but I couldn't get the result that I want. I hope you guys can help me with this problem. I am not understanding the logic of this component. Thank you! But it is very urgent ort React, {useEffect} from "react"; import {Wrapper, Image, Container, FirstChild, SecondChild, BeImage} from "./style"; import {gsap} from 'gsap' import {ScrollTrigger} from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger'; const BeBold = () => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); useEffect(() => { const beText = document.querySelector('.bla-hello'); gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: beText, start: "top top", end: "bottom top", scrub: true, pin: '#first-child', } }); const sections = gsap.utils.toArray('.imageToShow'); console.log(sections) let tl = gsap.timeline(); sections.forEach((section, index) => { tl.to(section, { scale: 1.2, scrollTrigger: { trigger: section, start: 'top bottom -= 300', toggleActions: 'play none none reverse', scrub: true, } }) .to('#img500', { scrollTrigger: { trigger: beText, start: 'top 0', scrub: true, }, opacity: 1 }) return ( <div> <Wrapper> <Container className="bla-hello"> <FirstChild id={"first-child"}> <BeImage id="img101" src="https://b14.dk/14years/images/bebold/be-bold-be.svg" alt="kitty"/> </FirstChild> <SecondChild> <Image id="img100" className="imageToShow" src="https://b14.dk/14years/images/bebold/be-bold-light.svg" alt="kitty"/> <Image id="img200" className="imageToShow" src="https://b14.dk/14years/images/bebold/be-bold-book.svg" alt="kitty"/> <Image id="img300" className="imageToShow" src="https://b14.dk/14years/images/bebold/be-bold-medium.svg" alt="kitty"/> <Image id="img400" className="imageToShow" src="https://b14.dk/14years/images/bebold/be-bold-demi.svg" alt="kitty"/> <Image id="img500" className="imageToShow" src="https://b14.dk/14years/images/bebold/be-bold-bold.svg" alt="kitty"/> </SecondChild> </Container> </Wrapper> </div> ) } export default BeBold; This code is written in react.
  18. Hey guys! How can I change my background color while scrolling in ScrollTrigger in a particular coordinate of my website. I would be so glad, if any of you could help me. Thank you!
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