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Adan Rodriguez

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  1. Hey @Jack! Thank you for the explanation. I have some studying to do. Let me see if I can explain what I think you are saying. So when I define a scope for gsap.context(); Im saying “look for all selector text that are descendants of this reference” but then I’m selecting the Reference itself. Which cannot be a descendant of itself. Is that correct? So then following that logic, if I would have selected “.logo” WHICH IS a descendant of the app reference, then it would work correctly?
  2. I'm trying to get started using Gsap + React. I'm running into the issue of Gsap not finding the targeted ref. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!!
  3. I was afraid of this working on codesandbox.io even though this is essentially how I have it set up in my project. Here's the link: https://codesandbox.io/s/reverent-rubin-heef92?file=/src/animations/added.js Here are some snapshots of my real project and the errors I'm getting: importing the "tl" just as a test to see if it passed through: This is the index.html file:
  4. Thanks to @Andy Bui's contribution and adjusting to my needs, I'm getting very CLOSE to the effect I'm looking for: https://codepen.io/AdanRod133/pen/gOKpYZo but the content is flashing UNDER the content and i'd like it to flash OVER the content. Am I coding this correctly? Is this a conventional approach to solve this problem @Rodrigo? If I remove the "z-index: -1" property, then the div covers the element and the button is no longer clickable.
  5. Awesome! Thank-you. Instead of the just the photo, I want it over the entire content. Is there a specific name for this type of effect, so I can do a bit better search next time I need something like this?
  6. Thanks for your time Rodrigo! Lets see if I can explain it a little better. When you click the "Add to watchlist" button, there should be an overlay effect where a transparent green overlay flashes over the content Does that help explain a little better? Also: Is there a difference between "Masking" and an "overlay"? The green flash effect would be slightly transparent and be blanketed over the top of the content for a quick second.
  7. After searching for answers, I could not find anything with the same context. I am trying to create this effect: https://codepen.io/AdanRod133/pen/rNKBbog?editors=1010 on top of the movie container. I would like that layered on top of the content after the "Add to watchlist" button is clicked using regular elements, and layering. What is the best approach to this? Thank-you!
  8. I'm stuck on this. How do I add the animation to each individual item? I want to click the button and the individual item to disappear, not all items one after the other. Thanks!
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