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Posts posted by Simon.Gioffredi

  1. Thanx for your time btw.

    But no, that's not working. That's exactly the same result as before


    I'm looking on Chrome on a Xiami, but our client and my colleagues looks on different devices and navigator (Chrome, Firefox), and the issue is everywhere

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  2. There is exactly the same effect. 

    Without scrolling, at the top of the navigator, that's work, if I scroll, that's stop working.


    I already tried this.


    I didn't test to use a proxy as a slider, and move the ul.

    Maybe, if the proxy isn't in fixed, that can works, but I'm not used to play with proxy in Draggable 😕

  3. Hi,

    First of all, sorry for my english, I'm not an english native speaker.


    I have an issue on Android, and I don't understand why.


    I try to do a navigation bar, places at the bottom of the screen, who become a slider when the nav width is bigger than the window.


    That's works everywhere, except in Android.

    If you go to the Codepen on an Android :

    • When you arrive, you can slide in the nav without problems
    • But when you scroll in the page, then try to slide, that's not working anymore


    If I remove the bottom: 0 on the nav, that's work like a charm, but I can't do that because I need it on the bottom (if you add a top, that's not working too, even 1px)


    If I place the Draggable on the nav, that's work, but I can't do that, because I have other thing inside my nav, and I don't want them to be Draggable.


    And another thing very strange. If I had a simple border-top: 1px solid white; to the nav, that's not working anymore


    Anyone has an idea ?

    See the Pen RwpjdBj by simon-gioffredi (@simon-gioffredi) on CodePen

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