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Everything posted by denverCoder9

  1. Hi guys, I'm probably doing something wrong but quick question. I want property backgroundPositionY to have delay and start a bit later but property opacity to work normal 0-100% So basically I want it to start fading out with opacity and somewhere in beetween at 50% to start moving its position here's the code that works so far gsap.fromTo( element.querySelector(".moon-bg2"), { opacity: 0, backgroundPositionY: "50%" }, { opacity: 1, backgroundPositionY: "100%", scrollTrigger: { trigger: element.querySelector(".sec-1"), start: "top top", end: "center center", markers: false, scrub: true } } ); and here is what I tried to do: gsap.fromTo( element.querySelector(".moon-bg2"), { opacity: 0, backgroundPositionY: "50%" }, { opacity: 1, startAt: {y: "300px", backgroundPositionY: "100%"}, // <<--- this this here scrollTrigger: { trigger: element.querySelector(".sec-1"), start: "top top", end: "center center", markers: false, scrub: true } } ); so if anyone wants to take a look I would be very tankful, do tell me if you need more info
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