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Corentin Darras

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Posts posted by Corentin Darras

  1. Hi, I got an error since i have setup transformOrigin to center :


    "Invalid property transformOrigin set to center Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()"



    This is my Angular code (i try to import CSSPlugin without any success) =>

    import {gsap} from 'gsap';
    import ScrollTrigger from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger';
    import MotionPathPlugin from 'gsap/MotionPathPlugin';
    import CSSPlugin from 'gsap/CSSPlugin';



      private renderer: Renderer2,
      private intService: InternationalisationService,
      private router: Router,
      private gtmService: GtmService
    ) {
      gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, MotionPathPlugin, CSSPlugin);



    buildLine(trigger: string, start: string, end: string, idEl: string, type?, isFr?, mk?) {
      var defaultMarker = false;
      var endSize = '+=' + end;
      var target;
      var ball;
      if (type === 'tb') {
        target = '.drawLineTB' + idEl;
        ball = '.ballTb0' + idEl;
      } else if (type === "mob") {
        target = '.drawLineM' + idEl;
        ball = '.ballM0' + idEl;
      } else if (isFr) {
        target = '.drawLinefr' + idEl;
        ball = '.ballfr0' + idEl;
      } else {
        target = '.drawLine' + idEl;
        ball = '.ball0' + idEl;
      if (mk) {
        defaultMarker = mk;
      return gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: trigger,
          scrub: true,
          start: start,
          markers: defaultMarker,
          end: endSize,
        .to(ball, {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .to(ball, {
          motionPath: {
            path: target,
            align: target,
            alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]
        }, 0)
    drawLine() {
        'ease': 'none',
        'transformOrigin': 'center'
      gsap.set('.ball', {xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50});
      // Tl 1
      this.buildLine('#c-header', 'top top', '1100px', '1');
      // Tl 3
      this.buildLine('#c-helping', 'top 60%', '100%', '3').then(end => this.cell.play());
      this.buildLine('#c-helping', 'top 60%', '1150px', '3', null, true, false).then(end => this.cell.play());
      // Tl 4
      this.buildLine('#c-starting-1', 'top 60%', '1800px', '4');
      // Tl 7 832px
      this.buildLine('#c-tips', 'top 60%', '800px', '7').then(end => this.board.play());
      this.buildLine('#c-tips', 'top 60%', '1100px', '7', null, true).then(end => this.board.play());
      // Tl 8 690px
      this.buildLine('#c-form', 'top 60%', '90%', '8').then(end => this.nurse2.play());
      //Tl 9 500px
      this.buildLine('#c-talk-soon', 'top 60%', '40%', '9');
      // Tablet Line
      this.buildLine('#c-intro', 'top 25%', '1100px', '1', 'tb', null, false);
      this.buildLine('#c-talk-soon', 'top 25%', '70%', '9', 'tb');
      if (!this.isFirefox()) {
        this.buildLine('#c-intro', 'top top', '500px', '1', 'mob');
      this.drawFakeMobileLine('#c-description', 'top 50%', false);
      if (!this.isFirefox()) {
        this.buildLine('#c-talk-soon', 'top 50%', '70%', '9', 'mob');

    Did you notice the firefox condition ?

    Since few days i got the following error Only in firefox. The scroll trigger litteraly stop to work. If i disable this two expression that work, but arrived at the end of the svg the error come back .. Realy weird) =>

    ERROR TypeError: (intermediate value)(...) is null . 


    If you have any reccomandations for me :) 



  2. Hi team!


    I have a ball wich follow a line with motionPath.

    This line have curves and changing colors, so the svg contain multiple paths.

         <svg id="Line" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"  x="0px" y="0px"
               viewBox="0 0 1084.7 4581.9">
            <path class="drawline2 st1" d="M1082.7,410.6 1082.7,600.4 1082.7,819.6 "/>
            <path class="drawLine1 st0" d="M796.4,2.8c0,0,201.1-1,262.4-1.3c8.2,0,23.9,0,23.9,22.7c0,14,0,0,0,0v386.3"/>
            <circle class="ball ball01" r="14" cx="14" cy="14"></circle>

    My question is, how can i use differents paths on the same motionPath ? Or how can i force my animation to follow the next path when the ball have follow the previous ? 


    I use scrollTrigger and motionPath in an angular env.  This is how i draw the motion but it work only for one path. 


    buildLine(trigger: string, start: string, end: string, idEl: string, type?, isFr?, mk?) {
      var defaultMarker = false;
      var endSize = '+=' + end;
      var target;
      var ball;
      if (type === 'tb') {
        target = '.drawLineTB' + idEl;
        ball = '.ballTb0' + idEl;
      } else if (type === "mob") {
        target = '.drawLineM' + idEl;
        ball = '.ballM0' + idEl;
      } else if (isFr) {
        target = '.drawLinefr' + idEl;
        ball = '.ballfr0' + idEl;
      } else {
        target = '.drawLine' + idEl;
        ball = '.ball0' + idEl;
      if (mk) {
        defaultMarker = mk;
      return gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: trigger,
          scrub: true,
          start: start,
          markers: defaultMarker,
          end: endSize,
        .to(ball, {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .to(ball, {
          motionPath: {
            path: target,
            alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]
        }, 0)

    Thanks in advance :) 

    Capture d’écran 2021-07-14 à 08.55.59.png

    Capture d’écran 2021-07-14 à 08.56.07.png

  3. Hi @GreenSock ! Thanks for your quick reply , i understand well certains points.


    My animation is a line who's drawing on scroll. Each line following the height of the container. 


    I have a question regarding the end of scrollTrigger. Actually i input a size in px who's equal to the container height, but with responsive or language change this height evolve. I'm trying to bind the value on a variable (this.descriptionHeight) who's observe the height of the container. If height change i refresh the scrollTrigger. It's possible ton bind the end of animation to the next div ? Or i need to calculate myself the distance ? My reflexion look good for you ? 


    This is my update code following your indications => 


    buildTl(trigger: string, start: string, end: number, tog: string, idEl: string, dotSpec?: string) {
      var dotName;
      var dotClass;
      var defaultMarker = false;
      var endSize = '+=' + end + 'px';
      if (dotSpec) {
        dotName = 'dot' + dotSpec;
      } else {
        dotName = 'dot' + idEl;
      if(tog.length > 1) {
        dotClass = tog;
      } else {
        dotClass = 'init'
      return gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: trigger,
          scrub: true,
          start: start,
          markers: defaultMarker,
          end: endSize,
          toggleClass: {targets: ".c-dot-nav", className: dotClass},
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath(dotName),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath(dotName)
        .to('.ball0' + idEl, {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.drawLine' + idEl, {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball0' + idEl, {motionPath: {path: '.drawLine' + idEl, alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
    drawLine() {
      gsap.defaults({ease: 'none'});
      gsap.set('.ball', {xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50})
      //Tl 1
      this.buildTl('#c-header', 'top top', 400, '', '1')
      //Tl 2
      this.buildTl('#c-description', 'top 25%', this.descriptionHeight, 'reverse', '2')
      //Tl 3
      this.buildTl('#c-helping', 'top 25%', 720, 'reverse-w', '3')
      //Tl 4
      this.buildTl('#c-starting-1', 'top 40%', 260, '', '4')
      //Tl 5
      this.buildTl('#c-starting-2', 'top 40%', 476, '', '5', '4')
      //Tl 6
      this.buildTl('#c-flip', 'top 40%', 385, 'ra', '6', '5' )
      //Tl 7
      this.buildTl('#c-tips', 'top 40%', 832, '', '7')
      //Tl 8
      this.buildTl('#c-form', 'top 40%', 690, 'reverse', '8')
      //Tl 9
      this.buildTl('#c-talk-soon', 'top 40%', 500, 'reverse-w', '9')
  4. Hello,


    First of all, i'm totally new to GSAP and really in love of it! Congrats team for this work.


    I work on an Angular v10. I would like to know if this following code follow the good practices for GSAP or if i can optimizes it better. 

    Sometimes when i refresh my page, all animations are playing on the scrolltrigger simultaneously like they have lost their real positons. (i can add a video to show the issue) 


    drawLine() {
      gsap.defaults({ease: 'none'});
      gsap.set('.ball', {xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50})
      var tl = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {
          duration: 0.5,
          autoAlpha: 1,
          scale: 2,
          transformOrigin: 'center',
          ease: 'elastic(2.5, 1)'
      //Tl 1
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-header',
          endTrigger: "#c-description",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top top',
          end: '+=400px',
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot1'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot1')
        .to('.ball01', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theLine', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball01', {motionPath: {path: '.theLine', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 2
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-description',
          endTrigger: "#c-helping",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 25%',
          end: '+=420px',
          toggleClass: {targets: ".c-dot-nav", className: "reverse"},
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot2'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot2')
        .to('.ball02', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theLine2', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball02', {motionPath: {path: '.theLine2', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 3
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-helping',
          endTrigger: "#c-starting-1",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 25%',
          end: '+=720px',
          toggleClass: {targets: ".c-dot-nav", className: "reverse-w"},
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot3'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot3')
        .to('.ball03', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theLine3', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball03', {motionPath: {path: '.theLine3', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 4
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-starting-1',
          endTrigger: "#c-starting-2",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 40%',
          end: '+=260px',
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot4'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot4')
        .to('.ball04', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theLine4', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball04', {motionPath: {path: '.theLine4', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 5
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-starting-2',
          endTrigger: "#c-flip",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 40%',
          end: '+=476px'
        .to('.ball05', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theLine5', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball05', {motionPath: {path: '.theLine5', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 6
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-flip',
          endTrigger: "#c-tips",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 40%',
          end: '+=385px',
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot5'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot5')
        .to('.ball06', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theline6', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball06', {motionPath: {path: '.theline6', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 7
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-tips',
          endTrigger: "#c-form",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 40%',
          end: '+=832px',
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot6'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot6')
        .to('.ball07', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theline7', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball07', {motionPath: {path: '.theline7', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 8
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-form',
          endTrigger: "#c-talk-soon",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 40%',
          end: '+=690px',
          toggleClass: {targets: ".c-dot-nav", className: "reverse"},
          onEnter: () => this.setActivePath('dot7'),
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot7')
        .to('.ball08', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theline8', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball08', {motionPath: {path: '.theline8', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
      //Tl 9
      var action = gsap.timeline({
        defaults: {duration: 1},
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '#c-talk-soon',
          endTrigger: "#c-footer-1",
          scrub: true,
          start: 'top 40%',
          end: '+=500px',
          toggleClass: {targets: ".c-dot-nav", className: "reverse-w"},
          onEnter: () => {this.setActivePath('dot8'); this.nurse2.play();},
          onEnterBack: () => this.setActivePath('dot8')
        .to('.ball09', {duration: 0.01, autoAlpha: 1})
        .from('.theline9', {drawSVG: '0'}, 0)
        .to('.ball09', {motionPath: {path: '.theline9', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]}}, 0)
        .add(tl, 1);
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