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Nikolay Sabev

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  1. Hi @GreenSock , actually, I have a problem with ScrollTrigger and GSAP, I made a working example with a horizontal locomotive scroll, but it doesn't work, I don't know how to rework your example with a vertical section to work with the horizontal scroll. I think it is something trivial, but I can't solve it. https://codepen.io/k0ko88/pen/bGrJxBK Thank you in advance!
  2. Hi again, can I ask someone to help me with his coding skills, because I'm a designer and I'm not so good with code? The problem is with locomotive scroll behavior I want sections in my website to snap each other. I have been searching for a solution in the forum and found it: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/MWmQKem This is a working solution with everything that I need, I have tried to implement it on my website, but it doesn't work. Here is a demo of my website and the code that I use: https://codepen.io/k0ko88/pen/xxLBmyd?editors=1010 Thank you in advance!
  3. Hi again, I found very simple solution how to fix this issue I mean with locomotive scroll + fixed header and navigation(data-scroll-target). Just try this code in your project, it's works perfect in my case. $(window).on("load", function () { $('header').appendTo('body'); }); There is working example: https://codepen.io/k0ko88/pen/vYxZPQb
  4. Great, Thank you very much for your help! So do I need to do something else or marked answer is enough?
  5. Hi Akapowl, sorry about my late answer, I've tried to fix the issue with your example, but without any progress. I discovered that if get dynamic styles from content and apply them to the header with positive values it works perfectly. This is my first idea, but as I told before I'm not a programmer. My second idea is if it`s possible "scroll trigger" to apply the same values to the header it will fix the bug, but I think the first idea is better because of the complexity of the code.
  6. Hi again Akapowl, I have a problem with header and navigation when I move them out from container. I want navigation to work smoothly and to be fixed window width. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Nikolay https://codepen.io/k0ko88/pen/vYxZPQb
  7. You are my hero, thank you, this is what I wanted, but I have one more problem, how can I fix the header? Can you help me please? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Nikolay
  8. Thank you Cassie this is almost what I want. I made this, but I want to keep horizontal scroll how is it in my project if it is possible. I made another demo like your pen, but can't make header to be fixed and if I move out from "container" smooth scroll stopped to work. https://codepen.io/k0ko88/pen/jOBBNrN
  9. Thank you again Cassie, but no, I already have horizontal scroll from locomotive scroll, I need pin section to be vertical, but when I change properties and direction it's started to scroll diagonaly.
  10. Thank you Cassie for your reply! Okay, maybe I didn't explain it right what I want. This is what I want, but with locomotive scroll horizontal.
  11. Hello to all, I’m new into GSAP technology, I’m trying to achieve something, but I’m not a programmer and it is very difficult for me. The example below is working almost like what I want, but I need a different direction. Example: https://codepen.io/cameronknight/pen/qBNvrRQ My project: https://codepen.io/k0ko88/pen/oNZZvZE My idea is, when user reach section “selected projects” website should to scroll down how is in the example, after user reach the end of section projects the website should continue to scroll horizontal. If anyone can assist me will be great! Thank you in advance!
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