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Posts posted by willwork

  1. I solved it and I apologize for being so imprecise with my code. I'm using Gaia, by the way, and I didn't comment out the import gs.* that comes built in with the class paths. SO, when I commented it out, everything works the way it should without errors. I believe the null object was the conflict that I was importing both v10 and v11. Hopefully, this will spare anyone else from the issues....

    Thanks for listening, Greensock!

  2. The timeLineLite is being executed on a delay, so the objects should be valid.


    I somehow got one of them working, even though it still throws the null object error.

    var myTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({tweens:[new TweenLite(quote1, .3, {alpha:1}), TweenMax.to(quote1, 1, {x:380})], align:TweenAlign.SEQUENCE});


    quote1 does fade up and move, but I'm getting a null object error. Is there something wrong with the above code? Am I not importing something?

  3. I've got one timelineLite to work and one doesn't - even though they BOTH throw an error of:

    Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


    This one doesn't work at all:

    var myTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({tweens:[new TweenLite(enterMC, 0, {x:enterMC.parent.mouseX, y:enterMC.parent.mouseY}), TweenLite.to(enterMC, .3, {autoAlpha:1})], align:TweenAlign.SEQUENCE});


    Even though this works fine:

    TweenLite.to(enterMC,.2,{x:enterMC.parent.mouseX, y:enterMC.parent.mouseY, autoAlpha:1});


    So I know the objects are there and declared, but I get the error. Could this be a v11 bug?

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