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Everything posted by willwork

  1. I can't make the defaultEase function work - can someone just show me an example? I'm also trying to change the deafultEase on a timelineMax timeline - which I'm assuming works the same was as TweenLite - right?
  2. I solved it and I apologize for being so imprecise with my code. I'm using Gaia, by the way, and I didn't comment out the import gs.* that comes built in with the class paths. SO, when I commented it out, everything works the way it should without errors. I believe the null object was the conflict that I was importing both v10 and v11. Hopefully, this will spare anyone else from the issues.... Thanks for listening, Greensock!
  3. The timeLineLite is being executed on a delay, so the objects should be valid. I somehow got one of them working, even though it still throws the null object error. var myTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({tweens:[new TweenLite(quote1, .3, {alpha:1}), TweenMax.to(quote1, 1, {x:380})], align:TweenAlign.SEQUENCE}); quote1 does fade up and move, but I'm getting a null object error. Is there something wrong with the above code? Am I not importing something?
  4. I've got one timelineLite to work and one doesn't - even though they BOTH throw an error of: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. This one doesn't work at all: var myTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({tweens:[new TweenLite(enterMC, 0, {x:enterMC.parent.mouseX, y:enterMC.parent.mouseY}), TweenLite.to(enterMC, .3, {autoAlpha:1})], align:TweenAlign.SEQUENCE}); Even though this works fine: TweenLite.to(enterMC,.2,{x:enterMC.parent.mouseX, y:enterMC.parent.mouseY, autoAlpha:1}); So I know the objects are there and declared, but I get the error. Could this be a v11 bug?
  5. I've got a scrolling menu with a dynamically created mask over the clip Holder. When you tween the clip holder and use the blur filter, it completely screws up the mask. It basically changes the scale of the mask to perhaps a quarter the size... This seems like a big issue to me....
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