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  1. I tried to use bezierThrough with a Vector.<Point>, which may explain the problem. I saw the "x:" and "y:" and jump into conclusion that it has something to do with Points As for the activation stuff, it is activated, although it is in a different layer for neater code organization EDIT: The parseBezier doesn't seem to be the one I'm looking for, but your example is spot on Jack, thanks a lot.
  2. The plugin explorer provided an excellent example of what bezier can do, but it doesn't really explain how to use it. In the example, you simply put arrays with {x:value,y:value}. It doesn't look elegant and is not dynamically-generated-friendly, although it does work. So, questions: Can I define an array beforehand and use it with bezier? If so, how? I tried it once, but it throws an error saying "bezier property is not found in object" Can I use Points for the array members? I have not the slightest clue how to dynamically generate an array with "x:" string as the member Basically, I'm asking for help for how to populate the array required for bezier. EDIT: As usual, I'm being stratospherically dumb. After rightfully making use of the search function, I found a post with an example of how to use parseBezier (which docs description is far beyond my brain capacity). I apologize for wasting your time again gentlemen, I'm really sorry. 2nd EDIT: The parseBezier is not what I'm looking for. The example below is the answer
  3. Just wondering. I'm creating an interactive color slider, and there's a pointer which position changes quite frequently. When I enable bitmapMode, blitMask only uses the bitmapData it first got when the objects were first created, I wish to update the bitmapData whenever this pointer's position changes. Possible? EDIT: Whoops, sorry again. IDK what's happening to me lately. Just found out I can use ForceRecaptureImage
  4. Thank you very much, carl. You've been a great help. This clears out a lot of questions in my mind. I'm accustomed to the behavior of TweenLite.to which automatically overrides the current tween whenever it is called, and I couldn't figure out the documentation, haha.
  5. Sorry if it's confusing. Well, they're just a placeholder for actual code, kinda like foo and bar as placeholder for variables Let's say I have a MovieClip. A box. With instance name Test_MovieClip The MovieClip is put in a stage with 48 frames, with framerate of 24 frames per second. (the stage lasts for 2 seconds) In Frame 1 of the stage, I put this code: var tMyPersonalTween:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); //I declare a variable to hold my Tweens //Here I put a Tween which lasts for a whole second (meaning it lasts for 24 frames) tMyPersonalTween.insert(Test_MovieClip, 1, {x:200,y:500}); tMyPersonalTween.play(); What I want to know is, suppose I have this line of code: tMyPersonalTween.insert(Test_MovieClip, 1, {x:400,y:100}); What will happen if put that code: [*:3c2c3d91]At frame 20? This means that the previous tween is still running, yet I insert another tween with .insert [*:3c2c3d91]At frame 30? Meaning that the last tween is already over quite some time ago, and I insert another tween into the timeline My point is that append and prepend already has default values: it's either the beginning or the end of the Timeline, when exactly you put them doesn't matter. You can make a Tween that lasts for 5 seconds, and no matter when you put an append or prepend tween, they will always be put in the beginning or the end of timeline, and the animation will not break. However, I don't find any documentation regarding where will a "insert" Tween be put. I assume that the code will run the moment it is inserted (meaning it overrides the previous tween), but I don't get consistent results to test it.
  6. Thanks, carl. I think this should be one last question: About the insert method. I understand that append inserts the new Tween at the end of timeline. What I want to know is, what happens when I do this: Frame 1: tSomethingTween.insert(this,1,{tweenhere}); tSomethingTween.play(); Frame 10: tSomethingTween.insert(this,1,{tweenhere}); What will happen if [*:wo4tr8cg]The tween is complete by the time it reaches Frame 9 (so the new tween do not overlap with anything? [*:wo4tr8cg]The tween is still playing by the time it reaches Frame 10 (so the new tween overlaps with the previous tween)?
  7. TweenLite is the best option for Tweening, I assure you. Especially if you're using vectors (which taxes CPU) A clever use of TimelineLite and appends will give you the desired effect
  8. Thanks. NINJA EDIT: I gave up with the idea of using just one variable and ended up with 7 variables instead. I don't know whether it's because of the "splitting them up to 7 variables" part, or because of some other things I did, but at least it works as intended now. However, my last question still stands. An answer will still be appreciated Thanks again. One more question, though: if I want to overlap tweens, what insertion method should I use? Should I use insert, append, or prepend? My code is something like this: function smokeBloat():void { this.visible = true; tMushroomSmokeTween.clear(); tMushroomSmokeTween.insert(new TweenLite(this, 0.1, {autoAlpha:0.5,overwrite:OverwriteManager.NONE,onComplete:smokeTimer}) ); tMushroomSmokeTween.insert(new TweenLite(this, 0.5, {transformAroundCenter:{scaleX:3, scaleY:3},overwrite:OverwriteManager.NONE,onComplete:smokeDamage}) ); tMushroomSmokeTween.insert(new TweenLite(this, 5, {transformAroundCenter:{rotation:360},overwrite:OverwriteManager.NONE}) ); tMushroomSmokeTween.play(); } function smokeTimer():void { tMushroomSmokeTween.insert(new TweenLite(this, 2.5, {autoAlpha:0.5,overwrite:OverwriteManager.NONE,onComplete:smokeDissipate}) ); } function smokeDissipate():void { tMushroomSmokeTween.insert(new TweenLite(this, 1, {autoAlpha:0,overwrite:OverwriteManager.NONE}) ); tMushroomSmokeTween.insert(new TweenLite(this, 1, {autoAlpha:0,overwrite:OverwriteManager.NONE,delay:1,onComplete:smokeRepeat}) ); } As you can see, the overlap is kinda messy. But when they're left on their own (without using TimelineLite, just TweenLite), it works and gives the effect I need I guess the big question here is when does the Tweens that I insert with .insert play? The functions are called, it's just that the Tweens do not fire off as expected EDIT: I checked with trace, and it seems that the onComplete functions do not fire off as expected. For example, the function smokeDissipate starts at the same time as smokeRepeat, while smokeRepeat supposedly should only fire off 1 second after smokeDissipate (I put the delay:1 on the Tween with onComplete:smokeRepeat) After 2 iterations, the onComplete stops functioning altogether
  9. [*:1b7irux6]Can I use TweenLite's onComplete instead of TimelineLite's onComplete? A better wording would be, can I use an onComplete method when I insert a new Tween instead of declaring it when I first create the TimelineLite variable? So it sort of looks like this: Usually, you declare the onComplete when creating the variable var tSomethingTween:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onComplete:otherFunction}); -> I don't want to use this What I need is an onComplete that is called within the inserted Tween tSomethingTween.insert(new TweenLite(this,1,{x:100},onComplete:someFunction)); -> I want to use this onComplete tSomethingTween.insert(new TweenLite(this,1,{alpha:0},onComplete:whatFunction)); -> and this onComplete The syntax may be wrong (I'm not in the mood to open Flash right now), but you get the idea I'm trying to create a sequence of animations which heavily relies on overlapping each other. I can achieve the desired effect without using TimelineLite, but once I put them in TimelineLite, the animation breaks. Primarily because I can only define one onComplete call which runs when the animation is finished, while the desired effect requires the animation to overlap and overwrite each other while they are running I tried to simply use that example I post, but it won't work [*:1b7irux6]Can I use Flash's Mask layer in conjunction with TweenLite? Specifically, I want to animate something, and I want this object to be masked while being animated I tried it before, but it doesn't seem to work. The animation stops when the Mask layer is present
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