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  1. well, you see, I'm currently not developing a new game from scratch, but continued work on what's left from previous developer. situation is following: game relies heavily on tweens, but usage is TERRIBLY inconsistent (in some places there are just tweens, in other - timelines, different approaches used to solve same problems (two opposite tweens in timeline vs one "yoyo" tween)) full rewrite is not an option - so I have to work with that, and in this situation stuff that I reported is pretty bad
  2. I post it here as I was unable to find any links to bugtracker consider creating some timeline and appending tweens, like: var timelineTween:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); timelineTween.append(new TweenMax(this, GameSettings.GAME_OBJECTS_OSCILLATION_TIME / 2, {x:destX, y:destY, ease:Linear.easeNone})); timelineTween.append(new TweenMax(this, GameSettings.GAME_OBJECTS_OSCILLATION_TIME / 2, {x:this.x, y:this.y, ease:Linear.easeNone})); then implement pausing in game: TweenMax.pauseAll(); what is expected to happen: timelines are paused too (as they don`t have pauseAll function) what happens: everything is paused, but after resume timelines are broken (they play to end, stop for a while, and then resume) possible workaround: I added following to TimelineMax class private static var timelines:Vector. = new Vector.; public static function pauseAll():void { for each (var t:TimelineMax in timelines) { t.pause(); } } public static function resumeAll():void { for each (var t:TimelineMax in timelines) { t.resume(); } }
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