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  1. thanks Carl. A bit difficult to understand. i think i'll keep my old fashioned test.
  2. sorry for the misunderstanding about overwritemanager. I had trouble using at the same time : TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{scaleX:-1}); TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{scaleY:-1}); TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{rotation:"+90"}); TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{rotation:"-90"}); the remaining one is with rotations & i'm working on a switch mode in order to avoid it. you said first you had an idea about scaleX going -1,1,-1.. without tests ? thanks for the support
  3. Thanks Carl for answering so quickly. I've read the overwritemanager documentation & 2 is the default mode. It still kills the previous tween. i've tried this : OverwriteManager.init(0); And it seems to resolve most of the problems i've had. the only one remaining is when I rotate several times rapidly. By the way, I use this code : TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{rotation:"+90"}) and I suppose I can fix it by replacing "+90" by a switch to 0, 90, 180 or -90. I think I will read more about TweenLite settings !
  4. hi ! I'm a newbie, trying to use tweenLite & I have problems ! there is a sprite (vit_activ) & 4 buttons (scaleX, scaleY, rot90 & rot-90). when i push the scaleX button, the sprite flips horizontally. if(vit_activ.scaleX==1) {TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{scaleX:-1})} else {TweenLite.to(vit_activ,1,{scaleX:1})} It works but is there a nice way to make it work without the test ? Yet, the big problem occurs when I push rapidly on different buttons. For instance, the sprite is supposed to rotate 90° clockwise or anticlockwise but when i push another button, while rotating, It stops rotating immediately and the other Tween starts. The sprite.rotation has now a value not equal to 0, 90, 180 or -90. How can I force the Tween effect to be finished before starting the next one ? (sorry for my bad english)
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