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  1. I have some other things going on, so I have not worked on this project in while. I think I figured out the problem. The program first loads an external file and then the alpha was set to zero. I moved the alpha to top of the code and it stopped flashing. I guess in the split second it took to load, the alpha was set to 1 and therefore flashed. Does this make sense?
  2. Thank you so much for your help. I do not have the time to put a file together today. If you need one I will do it on Sunday. The problem only happens in the browser--not when I test it in flash. In the mean time this is the code that I have used regarding these assets: var helpArray:Array = [help_mc,helpBar_mc,help_btn1,help_btn2,help_btn3,help_btn4,help_btn5,help_btn6,help_btn7,help_btn8,help_btn9,help_btn10,shadow_mc,help_close_btn]; TweenMax.allTo(helpArray, 0,{autoAlpha:0}); function hideHelpClose_btn ():void{ var tlHelp:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite tlHelp.insert(TweenMax.to(help_close_btn, 0,{autoAlpha:0})); tlHelp.append(TweenMax.to(help_close_btn, 2,{autoAlpha:1, ease:Expo.easeOut, delay:1.5})); } help_close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helpClose_fn); function helpClose_fn(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.allTo(helpArray, 1.5,{autoAlpha:0}); TweenMax.allTo([answer_btn,helpMain_btn,back_btn], 1.5,{autoAlpha:1}); } help_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helpMove_fn1); function helpMove_fn1(event:MouseEvent):void { hideHelpClose_btn (); TweenMax.to(help_mc,1,{x:helpMove * 0, ease:Expo.easeOut}); } Please let me know if you will need me to make a file. thanks again.
  3. Even with the time set to 0 it still flashes. http://www.rpd611.com/dikduk/dikduk%20game%20with%20text%20file.html Any ideas?
  4. I guess that was it. When I tested it by making the mc 1000 it worked. I guess I will have to do without it. Thanks.
  5. I am having trouble with using a blitmask. It is most probably newbee mistakes. Here is my code: var myBlitMask:BlitMask = new BlitMask(help_mc, 0, 0, stage.width, stage.height,false); help_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helpMove_fn1); function helpMove_fn1(event:MouseEvent):void { hideHelpClose_btn (); TweenMax.to(help_mc,1.5,{x:helpMove * 0, ease:Expo.easeOut, onStart:myBlitMask.enableBitmapMode, onUpdate:myBlitMask.update}); } help_mc is 10,240 wide. I get the following error: ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData. at flash.display::BitmapData/ctor() at flash.display::BitmapData() at com.greensock::BlitMask() at dikdukgamewithtextfile_fla::MainTimeline/onload() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent() at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete() What am I doing wrong? Thanks as always.
  6. thanks I guess I was under the impression that the time value can't be zero.
  7. This seems like a simple question. What is the code to make autoAlpha set to 0 when the movie plays. I have an array of objects called helpArray. When I use this it flashes at the beginning of the movie. TweenMax.allTo(helpArray,.01,{autoAlpha:0}); Should I be using helpArray.visible = false ? Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the fast answer. It does not seem to be working if I do not move the text box itself. Is there a way to create a motion blur effect without actually moving the text box? thanks
  9. I am trying make a random word game that will look like it is a spinning slot machine. My first try at it I did it with the words in long movie clips and randomly moved them along the Y. I added the motion blur filter and it looked great. This was my code: TweenMax.to(prefixes_mc,1.5,{y:rand(1,7)*100-500, motionBlur:{strength:5, fastMode:true, padding:1},ease:Elastic.easeInOut}); Now I want to make the words load in a text box from a .txt file. What should I use to make the blur? I tried this and it does not work: TweenMax.to(mainText.text = loadedData[0][rand(0,2)]+" " + loadedData[1][rand(5,7)]+" " + loadedData[2][rand(0,loadedData[2].length)],1.5,{motionBlur:{strength:5, fastMode:true, padding:1},ease:Elastic.easeInOut}); Is this what the SlowMo ease is about? Thanks, Eliezer
  10. my fault forgot the () in colorRandom(). Thanks again!
  11. Thanks for the fast reply. How do I wrap that in a function so that each mc can be a different color? What I tried only makes black. function colorRandom():uint { return 0xFFFFFF * Math.random(); }
  12. Is it possible to have the tint plugin tween to random colors? If not, is it possible to do it through an array? Thanks, Eliezer
  13. I used the mask. It worked great. Coming from an illustrator background, I should have thought of that. Thanks for the help.
  14. I have been able to change the color using ColorMatrixFilterPlugin but no luck with the hexColors plugin. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  15. Thank you for the fast reply. I have spent quite a lot time trying to get my movie clip to change even without the gradient using the hexColors plugin and the code in the documentation. Am I missing something, does it only work if you have the code draw the shape?
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