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  1. CARL! you´ve made my day!! Yes this is what i was looking for (for the first version of my small application) so i will take a closer look to the manual have many many thanks for this.
  2. Hi Carl, thanks for your reply. Here you can see what i mean: http://hd-mailserver.de/main.html my problem is that i can´t figure out how to manage this in a better way. I wanna build in two button to play this forward and reverse. i modified my code a little, but i doesn´t work for me the way i want. ... private function setObjects() { ....code for setting objects on stage //startting anim mainTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, initAnim); mainTimer.start(); } private function initAnim(e:TimerEvent) { mainTimer.delay = 6000; outAnim(j); neu = (j+2) % Math.floor(json.order_feedback.items.length / 2); inAnim(neu); j = neu; } function outAnim(a) { myTimeline0 = new TimelineMax({ tweens:[new TweenMax(sh[a], 1.5, {y:-208}), new TweenMax(sh[a+1], 1.5, {y:-104})], align:TweenAlign.START, onComplete:myFunction}); } function inAnim(a) { myTimeline1 = new TimelineMax({ tweens:[new TweenMax(sh[a], 1.5, {y:5}), new TweenMax(sh[a+1], 1.5, {y:109})], align:TweenAlign.START, onComplete:myFunction}); } private function myFunction():void { } maybe this example is some more clear - and mybe you have an idea many thanks in advance
  3. Hi, i´m stucking at the following: i want to animate alway 2 mc as group mc[0].y = 6 to -208 mc[1].y = 110 to -104 where mc[0] and mc[1] are already on the stage then mc[2].y to y = 6 mc[3].y to y = 110 then mc[2].y to y = -208 mc[3].y to y = -104 then mc[4].y to y = 6 mc[5].y to y = 110 so it should rotate continuously. mainTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, initAnim); mainTimer.start(); private function initAnim(a:int=0):void { trace("a" + a) mainTimer.delay = 6000; myTimeline = new TimelineMax({ tweens:[new TweenMax(sh[a], 1.5, {y:-208}), new TweenMax(sh[a+1], 1.5, {y:-104}), new TweenMax(sh[a+2], 1.5, {y:6}), new TweenMax(sh[a+3], 1.5, {y:110})], align:TweenAlign.START, onComplete:myFunction}); } private function myFunction():void { neu = (j+2) % Math.floor(json.order_feedback.items.length / 2); initAnim(neu); j = neu; } mybe someone can help me out? thx in advance
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