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Posts posted by danissimo

  1. I have a timeline with infinite repeat and a function call. There are couple of Tweens in that function. It seems these tweens don't fire during the first cycle but do fire in the next cycles. When I delete the repeat option timeline works as expected. Do I miss something?  GSAP 12.1.0 rc2.

    Here's the code:

    var portraitsTimeline:TimelineMax =  new TimelineMax ({delay:1, repeat:-1, repeatDelay:1});
    portraitsTimeline.set (overlay, {visible:false})
    		 .call (switchPortraits);
    function switchPortraits():void {
    	if (!picBox_2.visible){
    		picBox_2.visible = true;
    	if (currentPortraitNumber < 5){
    	} else {
    		currentPortraitNumber = 1;
    	if (odd){
    		odd = false;
    		portraitCurrent = picBox_1;
    		portraitNext = picBox_2;
    	} else {
    		odd = true;
    		portraitCurrent = picBox_2;
    		portraitNext = picBox_1;
    	if (portraitNext.numChildren > 2){
    		portraitNext.removeChildAt (2);
    	var dynamicClassName:String = "Portrait_" + currentPortraitNumber;
    	var classReference:Class = getDefinitionByName (dynamicClassName) as Class;
    	var currentPortrait:Bitmap = new Bitmap (new classReference (180, 156));
    	portraitNext.addChild (currentPortrait);
    	portraitNext.getChildAt (2).x = -90;
    	portraitNext.getChildAt (2).y = -78;
    	TweenLite.fromTo (portraitCurrent, 0.7, {x:120, y:115, rotationY:0, scale:1}, {x:-50, y:110, rotationY:50, scale:0.9, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, onStart:function():void {tweenActive = true;}, onComplete:function():void {tweenActive = false;}});
    	TweenLite.fromTo (portraitNext, 0.7, {x:290, y:110, rotationY:-50, scale:0.9}, {x:120, y:115, rotationY:0, scale:1, ease:Cubic.easeInOut});
  2. immediateRender doesn't work on second and further repeat cycles of a timeline.

    Here's the code:

    var mainTimeline:TimelineMax =  new TimelineMax ({repeat:-1, repeatDelay:0.5});
    mainTimeline.from (pic_1, 0.4, {y:"-=63", ease:Back.easeOut})
    	    .from (pic_1, 0.4, {alpha:0, ease:Linear.easeNone}, "-=0.4")
    	    .from (pic_2, 0.4, {y:"-=63", ease:Back.easeOut}, "-=0.3")
    	    .from (pic_2, 0.4, {alpha:0, ease:Linear.easeNone}, "-=0.4")
    	    .from ([pic_1, pic_2], 0.4, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:0xffcc00, brightness:2}, ease:Linear.easeNone, immediateRender:false});
  3. Solved. I used bezierThrough on movieclip and skewed the content.


    TweenMax.to (_rootRef.logo_01, 1, {bezierThrough:[{x:251, y:247}, {x:305, y:265}, {x:386, y:278}, {x:484, y:282, scaleX:1, scaleY:1}], startAt:{scaleX:0.3, scaleY:0.8}, ease:Quad.easeInOut});
    TweenMax.from (_rootRef.logo_01.getChildAt (0), 1, {transformMatrix:{skewY2:40}, ease:Quad.easeInOut});


    Wondering, is this the only way?

  4. Hello,


    is it possible to tween skew and use the bezierThrough plugin at the same time?

    The following structure doesn't work, just skewing the object:


    TweenMax.to (_rootRef.logo_01, 1, {transformMatrix:{skewY:30}, bezierThrough:[{x:251, y:247}, {x:305, y:265}, {x:386, y:278}], delay:0.5, ease:Cubic.easeInOut});

  5. Hello,


    Is there a short way (something like "loop" property) for frames-based tween to loop its playback. Here's what I mean: let's say there's a 50 frames mc and I have a controller that tween it: TweenMax.to (mc, 1, {frame:"20", ease:Quart.easeInOut});

    So is there a chance to rewind the playhead when it reaches the last frame and play the remaining 10 frames of the tween?

  6. Here's the situation: I've got a TimelineMax sequence with repeat -1 and repeatDelay 2

    that contains several TweenMax's with animated rotation and 1 repeat with yoyo.

    So I want to change the repeat values of that TweenMax tweens (actually to 1 or 3) at the beginning of every TimelineMax sequence cycle.

    Additionally I want to change repeatDelay of my TimelineMax sequence at every cycle too.

    I think this can produce some "live" effect.

  7. Hello,


    Is there a way to change "repeat" value dynamically before each tween cycle?

    I tried to use dynamicProps plug like this:

    TweenMax.to (item2_2_1, 0.4, {transformAroundPoint:{point:new Point (138,300), rotation:"10"}, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, dynamicProps:{repeat:function():Number {return (Math.round (Math.random()) * 2 + 1);}}, yoyo:true})

    but got an error:

    ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property repeat not found on Item2_2_1 and there is no default value.


    I wanna use dynamic repeat, delay and repeatDelay on TweenMax and TimelineMax.

  8. for

    var flowingStage:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage (this.stage, 1024, 768, 1024, 768);

    there's an error:

    Access of possibly undefined property stage through a reference with static type Class.


    var flowingArea:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea (this, 0, 0, 1024, 768, 0x666666);

    there's an error

    Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.

    How should I point to main timeline and stage from doc class correctly?

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