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Alexander K

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  1. Hi @akapowl! Thank you, this right here helps a lot! A ton actually. It makes a lot more sense seeing your code and how you have separated the different things, from one state to another. Many many many thanks!
  2. Thank you so much for your response @mvaneijgen! I think you are definitely right regarding the perspective. But more simply put; I wish to do one type of animation when something enters the viewport, and another when it exits the viewport. In this case rotate in from -90, rotate out to 90. But imagine it being whatever... fade in x-300, fade out x+300. Perhaps I would be better off making just ONE transition from let's say -90deg in the bottom of the screen to 90deg to the top, in just one .from or .to? If that makes sense.
  3. Hi, I am trying to make it so, that each of my sections figure elements (containing images or video), rotateX in, from -90deg to 0. And animate out from 0 - 90deg. But I am struggling to understand which way to do so. This is what I am doing so far https://codepen.io/akmalmo/pen/OJWEaKd I would also like to have no extra white-space between the sections when I am animating the transform (rotateX). Hence I was thinking it would be a good Idea to add a different transformOrigin to the different states to and from. But it seems glitchy and maybe there is a better way to do so. Also I am thinking my method above is probably just wrong right... perhaps I should only have one to or from, or fromTo... but with sort of all animations in one, with onEnter and onLeave. But yeah. Just can't get my head around it. Would be super happy for any points in the right direction
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