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  1. Dear all, I have a VueJS SPA project that contains a very simple animation let timeLine = gsap.timeline({defaults: {ease:"circ.in", duration: 1.5,}, onComplete: () => { router.push({ name: "Question1" });}}); timeLine.fromTo(".start-container, .start-footer", {opacity: 1}, {opacity: 0}); This works perfectly fine, it fades out the mentioned elements and moves to the next "page". On the other pages in my app, i have a router push back to the page that contains the code above. The code above is sitting in a method that is being called after a click. When i navigate back to this page, then the elements that have faded out upon my initial visit, are not reset. They are still in opacity: 0. I have tried the timeLine.kill() function, but to no avail. I have also checked, VueJS does remount the component, so therefore i believe it must have something to do with GSAP. Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Ps: I am using Vue3, VueRouter and GSAP. Kind regards
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