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  1. I think I might have to use Draggable contructor instead of create but I am not sure how.
  2. i have a button and on clicking it a new div is created. All the divs have unique ids and I want to make all of them draggable. Basically everytime I click a button, an unique id is push to an array and then those ids are used to create div. Now I want all of them to be draggable and have triggers. I am new to gsap and I am not quite sure how to do this. I am AngularJS for creating the divs. <div ng-repeat="node in nodes track by $index"> <div class="node"> <div ng-include="'components/nodes/'+node.type+'.html'" ng-if="node"></div> </div> </div>
  3. Hey @ZachSaucier,thanks for the reply. I have gone through the post however they are a bit difficult to understand and also outdated as many of the functions have been deprecated since. Also my divs are created dynamically unlike the ones shown in the post so I am not sure how to implement this.
  4. hey @OSUblake,this is great. This is exactly what I am trying to make. However, the code is very complex and difficult to understand, and a lot of the functions have been deprecated I think. Could you please update this with more comments and explanations and also include the delete feature if you have implemented it. I have making div dynamically that are draggable and I want to connect them.
  5. I want to create draggable div that can be connected to each other by an arrow/line. And the arrow should expand/contract as the two div are moved. I can implement the draggable part but I cannot understand how to connect them. Please help. Example : https://idflood.github.io/ThreeNodes.js/index_optimized.html#example/rotating_cube1.json Also I want to be able to remove the arrows when required. Similarly if I remove one the draggable divs, all the lines connected to it should be removed. Is this possible using GSAP plugins?
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