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  1. Thanks for both of your responses. I had to ask this question just to sanity check myself and it does indeed work. We at my company are in the process of switching over to GSAP in a larger application so there is some porting needed. Most of our stuff is in the timebase of milliseconds and I thought I had already ported over all of our values to seconds but I had missed a spot ?‍♂️ So the animation was running thousand times slower and getting cut off before it got a chance to finish. Sorry for this lame question, **** just happens sometimes. BR GlennarN
  2. Hello, I feel like I am missing something or misunderstanding something fundamentally here. I am trying to achieve something like this: const tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.from(object, { prop: initValue }); tl.to(object, { prop: firstValue, duration: firstDuration }); tl.to(object , { prop: secondValue, duration: secondDuration}); etc. Basically, I am trying to modify the same property in increments one after the other , however it seems like only the first .to() will be run and the rest does not. I guess it might be possible to combine these motions somehow in a curve or something (do tell if so), but I don't understand why something like this wouldn't be possible? Maybe it is and I am just missing something... BR GlennarN
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