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  1. Ok I actually found a solution. When gsap provides the full precision, I can do the rounding by myself with a computed property. updated the Codepen Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi @akapowl This did indeed get me a step further, I updated my codepen to use this plugin. Sadly I don't really understand whats happening in this plugin. Is there a way I can set the number of decimals to a specific value (in my case I would need 8)? Ideally it would be great, if the animation would consider the number of decimals of the target value. But I could work with a solution where I can specify the number of decimals to a fixed value, since in my case I always need 8 decimals Thanks
  3. I tried implementing state-transitions with Vue.js 3 and gsap, like in the example of the Vue.js 3 documentation: https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/transitions-state.html#organizing-transitions-into-components This example rounds to fullNumbers. In my little project, I don't want the numbers to be rounded, but gsap.to() seems to round to a floating point precision of 4 (e.g. 0.00049 is rounded to 0.0005). Is there a way, I can increase the precision of gsap.to() so that my small numbers are not always rounded to 0? gsap.to is used like this: tween(newValue, oldValue) { gsap.to(this.$data, { duration: 0.5, tweeningValue: newValue, ease: 'sine' }); } Thanks!
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