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Ravi Variar

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  1. thanks @OSUblake @Cassie I will see how to use Howler
  2. Thanks Casie, I will work with this. I am not sure what is wrong but I do not hear the sound when I rerun or run this in codepen. thanks Ravi << I think sound works when I click the svg >>
  3. Hi all: I am trying to write a study app for my children that will have Text animation (potentially cursive with SVG text) and the sentence gets read out to help them learn online better. This can also have math equations in SVG animated with voice over, or diagrams etc. Please advise if there is a starting point for this. I have subscribed to Club Greensock for this purpose to use all the tools. thanks a lot for the help thanks Ravi.
  4. Hi Jack somehow I was not able to install and run the Beta file. Could you please check when you get a chance, thanks Ravi.
  5. Thanks for the quick response Jack this is what I was looking for. I have tried to replace the file, utilize node restart somehow it is not working on my machine. How do I install this update? thanks Ravi
  6. Hi all I would like to use Flip and Fit to scale two SVG elements into an SVG rectangle. Flip.fit moves them but if I try to use scale:true nothing happens, please help, what options can I use so that the two elements will expand and fill the rectangle. thanks Ravi.
  7. I have one SVG that is a software architecture diagram with different groups containing rectangle, text, arrows, circles. I am animating this using GSAP and adding audio at appropriate intervals. So, if for example SVG becomes Opacity 1 initially the child elements of one group need to be displayed one by one (with narration, still working on audio linking). During animation if a sub-group has to brought upfront the others opacity reduction will provide appropriate focus. I do not know how to use RGBA thanks
  8. Yes thanks, I can only use visibility and completely hide at the group or div level. this the child can override and be visible.
  9. Thanks Shaun, this is the behavior that I saw during experimentation, I could go lower than the parent opacity. Unfortunately if I keep at same level then the grouping is lost. Is there any other property that can be used? I have tried visibility, autoAlpha etc. while keeping the hierarchy looks like all of them can only go to the parent level. I thought visibility gets over-ridden but somehow hiding the parent the child does not get shown. Not able to use that either. Appreciate your message Thanks,
  10. Hi all: I am fading out a div tag. Next I would like to take an SVG element in the div and make it Opacity 1. It seems this is not possible please advise. It is a simple ask that this diagram fades back and I can then control each element Opacity separately. t3.fromTo("#divsvg", { opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0.25, duration: 1 }) .to("#gDSPolyTitle", 2, { x: 50, opacity: 1, delay: 1, ease: "back", }); thanks Ravi.
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