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Everything posted by axelympt

  1. im new on gsap can someone help me to change this onhover to onclick // Div count var n = $(".child").length; // Div over width var OW = 90 ; TweenMax.set($(".content-image"),{ opacity:0.8, }); TweenMax.set($(".full-content"),{ autoAlpha:0, }); TweenMax.set($(".child"),{width:120/n+'%'}); $(".child").hover(over,out); function over(){ TweenMax.to($(".content-image"),1,{ opacity:0.3, }); TweenMax.to($(".default-content"),0.1,{ autoAlpha:0, }); TweenMax.to($(".full-content"),0.5,{ autoAlpha:1, }); TweenMax.to($(this),1,{ width:OW+'%', }); TweenMax.to($(this).siblings(),1,{ width:(160-OW)/(n-1)+'%', }) } function out(){ TweenMax.to($(".content-image"),1,{ opacity:0.8, }); TweenMax.to($(".child"),1,{ width:120/n+'%', }) TweenMax.to($(".default-content"),0.5,{ autoAlpha:1, }); TweenMax.to($(".full-content"),0.5,{ autoAlpha:0, }); }
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