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Posts posted by scavaliere

  1. Hello everyone!
    I am trying to make a sequential animation inside a pinned section where the plus icon finish to rotate from left to right and - when the animation is finished - the text block starts to appear till the end of animation. Now the animations seem to be synched.
    I am using ScrollTrigger. 

    Anyone can help? 

    Thank you in advance!

    See the Pen jOyXaam by scavaliere (@scavaliere) on CodePen

  2. 9 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

    Howdy, @scavaliere. Are you saying that you want each element independently draggable? If so, just Draggable.create() for each one. 


    If that's not what you want, could you please elaborate a bit? And it'd be cool if your demo showed the issue - currently there's no way to add anything so I don't see what you mean. We'd love to help, though.

    Hello ! 
    Thank you guys for all your support! 
    I will try to elaborate a bit: I need a rotating wheel where every single div has a different rotation following a circle path. 
    I don't need to drag a single element like @mikel has presented (thank you, anyway :)) 
    The final effect should be like the pic I've attached.

    I've tried to achieve this with some css transform for every div but I was wondering if it's possible to do it via GSAP dynamically. 

    Hope it's more clear! 



  3. Hello, 
    I would like to make a "flower-like" rotation animation for my website.
    I would need multiple items inside. I'm using Gsap TweenMax, Draggable and Inertia plugin. 
    I have added the items as list and applied the draggable rotation on the ul. However I would need to add item in different position and rotation, in the attached codepen there's an example but when I add elements all the list rotate (with items all together) while I need single items rotating.

    Anyone can help? 

    Thank you in advance!

    See the Pen KKaeyZj by scavaliere (@scavaliere) on CodePen

  4. Hello @Carl ! 
    Thank you for your reply! I've used part of your reply to set what I really needed. Now on Codepen is working well and is updated so you can take a look.
    However on my production site is not working and I get a console warning: 

    gsap.min.js:10 GSAP target  not found.

    referring to ".listone" div. But it is present in the section... I don't understand why on codepen is working and on my production site it gives me this warning. 

    Any idea? 

    Thank you again!

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