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Everything posted by scavaliere

  1. Thank you @Shaun Gorneau ! Sorry but I'm a newbie Thanks for the corrections. I'll take a look to the pen.
  2. Hello everyone! I am trying to make a sequential animation inside a pinned section where the plus icon finish to rotate from left to right and - when the animation is finished - the text block starts to appear till the end of animation. Now the animations seem to be synched. I am using ScrollTrigger. Anyone can help? Thank you in advance!
  3. Hello! I finally found a solution Thank you for all your suggestions ! I updated my final codepen on top!
  4. Thank you @mikel and @Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ! I'll give it a try and I will post here back my solution!
  5. Hello @mikel! Thank you again. It's really near to what I need but the entire wheel should be draggable.
  6. Hello ! Thank you guys for all your support! I will try to elaborate a bit: I need a rotating wheel where every single div has a different rotation following a circle path. I don't need to drag a single element like @mikel has presented (thank you, anyway :)) The final effect should be like the pic I've attached. I've tried to achieve this with some css transform for every div but I was wondering if it's possible to do it via GSAP dynamically. Hope it's more clear!
  7. Hello @PointC, thank you for the reply. I've replaced the elements with colored divs. Hope you can help!
  8. Hello, I would like to make a "flower-like" rotation animation for my website. I would need multiple items inside. I'm using Gsap TweenMax, Draggable and Inertia plugin. I have added the items as list and applied the draggable rotation on the ul. However I would need to add item in different position and rotation, in the attached codepen there's an example but when I add elements all the list rotate (with items all together) while I need single items rotating. Anyone can help? Thank you in advance!
  9. Hey @Carl ! Thank you for your prompt reply! Moving the script in the footer made it work. Really strange... Thank you again!
  10. I attach here the image of what it happen. It seems the start and end markers are overlapped and stuck at the top of the page.
  11. Hello again! I've activated markers and I noticed that, if on one hand the scroller-start and scroller-end markers appear, the start and the end trigger don't. I don't really understand why. It seems the trigger isn't active even if the div id is correct.
  12. Hello @Carl ! Thank you for your reply! I've used part of your reply to set what I really needed. Now on Codepen is working well and is updated so you can take a look. However on my production site is not working and I get a console warning: gsap.min.js:10 GSAP target not found. referring to ".listone" div. But it is present in the section... I don't understand why on codepen is working and on my production site it gives me this warning. Any idea? Thank you again!
  13. Hello, I'm trying to start a fade in a sequence of different divs on specific section with scroll trigger. In few words when a I reach a specific section, a list of 5 divs should appear sequentially with a little delay. I tried to combine gsap.to with scroll trigger without results. Anyone can help to figure out? Thank you in advance!
  14. Thank you very much @PointC! Your solution is working perfectly! Thank you everyone who gave me advices in this thread
  15. Hello! Thank you guys for your replies! I will try the @PointC solution and I'll let you know.
  16. Hello, I'm trying to play a video entering a specific section and stop it when a section is left with GSAP ScrollTrigger. I have attached my codepen, hope someone can help me to figure out why it's not working. Thank you in advance!
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