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  1. Hi, I need to build a basic slideshow. But I want it to mimic a filmstrip-type of functionality. Meaning there's no transition effect between the "slides" when they appear. The user just basically hits the Next or Previous buttons and an image "scrolls" or "slides" in, kind of like a horizontally scrolling or sliding filmstrip. The example I use is on the http://www.eddiebauer.com home page where they're currently promoting their winter jackets. That is EXACTLY the type of application I'm looking to build. I don't want any type of transition "effects" like fade in/fade out, etc. or requiring the use of thumbnail images at the bottom to navigate the slideshow. Just simple Previous and Next buttons and sliding in/out images. Really hoping someone can provide direction for me as I have not been able to find anything online that explains how to specifically do this. THANKS!!
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