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Everything posted by ReactiveGuy

  1. I'm building a landing page using React Router that has a scrolling menu. Based on the position of the scrolling menu, the background elements change. Everything works, until I navigate to a different page, and receive Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null. When I return to the landing page, the ScrollTrigger is broken until the site is refreshed. I know this is due to the component unmounting and ScrollTrigger not being able to find the elements triggering onLeave and onLeaveBack. I tried using useLocation() to make sure ScrollTrigger instantiate when the the pathname = "/" and otherwise kill() the trigger, but it didn't solve the issue. So the question is, how do I navigate away from my landing page without having my ScrollTrigger break and require a full refresh? Here is the structure of my ScrollTrigger: const pages = ["radio", "shop", "music", "about", "news"]; useEffect(() => { const backgroundSquare = document.querySelector(".home-menu-background"); pages.forEach((page) => { gsap.to(`#home-menu-item-${page}`, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: `#home-menu-item-${page}`, start: "top center", end: "bottom center", onEnter: () => { backgroundSquare.style.backgroundImage = `url("${backgroundImages[page]}")`; document.querySelector(`#home-menu-item-${page}`).classList.add("active"); }, onEnterBack: () => { backgroundSquare.style.backgroundImage = `url("${backgroundImages[page]}")`; document.querySelector(`#home-menu-item-${page}`).classList.add("active"); }, onLeave: () => { document.querySelector(`#home-menu-item-${page}`).classList.remove("active"); }, onLeaveBack: () => { document.querySelector(`#home-menu-item-${page}`).classList.remove("active"); }, }, }); }); });
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