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  1. yes http://jsfiddle.net/sger/P5QRP/
  2. Hello, I'm generating dynamic divs inside a container every time the animations stops i'm generating new divs at some point i want to clear all the divs inside container i'm using $('#container').empty(); but the animation is still running even i call TweenMax.killChildTweensOf( '#container' ); the animation is still running some of the code i'm using function generate(item) { TweenMax.to(item, duration, { delay, scale:range(end, "scale"), autoAlpha:range(end, "opacity"), rotation:getRandomInt(0, 180), ease:Linear.easeNone, generate, onCompleteParams:[items]}); } for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { generate( $("<div />", {id:"item" + i}).addClass("item").appendTo($('#container', this.el))); } any help on this?
  3. Hello just send you a PM with .zip file
  4. i'm using the latest version of tweenlite (which contains max loader right?) i'm loading 20 flvs in queue with max loader i think there is a problem with cached flvs because the first time is working good. I will try to send you a zip with the code
  5. Hello, I'm using loader max and video loader for loading multiple flv files (using prioritize) but i have a problem.The first time flv is buffering and playing correctly but when i refresh the website the flv is not playing from the beginning but starts after 2 seconds like a glitch any ideas?
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