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  1. Hello Carl thax for the answer I am getting the point, but for me the idea is strange. Yes tweens aren't reversed, but the truth is that they are playing backwards, so they are playing reverse (kind of). Since tween is playing (regardless if it's reversed or not) there should be some event notifying of tween completion and now this event isn't available since onComplete nor onReverseComplete isn't fired ;/ Live example: I have app where user i able to click next and tween is playing animating things on stage to some point (). tween1-> STAGE1 -> press next -> tween2-> STAGE2 -> press next - > tween3 -> STAGE3 Now if I would like to return to STAGE2 I can reverse tween but I don't know when to pause it (event here would be nice). The problem with add callback is that it isn't precise (although according time is should be) and tweens simply ends to early witch looks creepy when easing is enabled.
  2. Hello I am can creating simple video loader and start load data private var _videoLoader:VideoLoader; _videoLoader = new VideoLoader(URL); _videoLoader.load(); Then I wanna do delete loader _videoLoader.dispose(true); _videoLoader = null; The problem: When I delete loader something still stays in memory. Calling create & remove few times clearly shows that app uses about 100MB of memory. I'll be grateful for any hint on this. I have prepared class to test this issue. TestClass package { import com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.MouseEvent; public class VideoLoaderTest extends Sprite { private var _videoLoader:VideoLoader; public function VideoLoaderTest () { var createButton:Sprite = getButton(); createButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_create); addChild(createButton); } private function onClick_create(event:MouseEvent):void { if(_videoLoader) remove(); _videoLoader = new VideoLoader("videos/videoIntro.f4v"); _videoLoader.load(); } private function remove():void { _videoLoader.dispose(true); _videoLoader = null; } private function getButton():Sprite { var s:Sprite = new Sprite(); s.graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000); s.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 40, 40); s.graphics.endFill(); s.buttonMode = true; return s; } } }
  3. Hello I need to know when tween animation ends if animation is reversed. This seend work fine when using single tween, but when I am using TimelineMax onReverseComplete isn't called at all ;/ To clarufy at first I am runing whole tween and then using _timeline.play(); and then (after it's completion) I am using _timeline.reverse(); _timeline = new TimelineMax(); _timeline.append(new TweenMax(r, 0.5, {x:100, onComplete:onComplete, onReverseComplete:onReverseComplete})); _timeline.append(new TweenMax(r, 0.5, {y:200, onComplete:onComplete, onReverseComplete:onReverseComplete})); _timeline.pause(); It it a bug? Is there any solution for this?
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