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Everything posted by flabbygums

  1. I know this was last addressed a while ago but I'm still getting this issue even using no '()' on my onComplete and passing params correctly. I'm getting a cross fade but also a blink of the first asset fading out. Shouldn't the onComplete function not fire until the first animation is done? Thanks. TweenMax.to(container, .5, {alpha:0, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:addNewSection, onCompleteParams:[sectionName]}); private function addNewSection(sectionName:String):void { switch (sectionName) { case 'menuGuide': container.addChild(guide); break; //other cases.... } TweenMax.to(container, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Global.EASE_TYPE1}); }
  2. Hi, I can tween movieClips that were nested in my swc just fine - as long as they are declared as MC. For eg. my swc name is Page01.SWC and in that swc is a movieclip called Hero. I use: //WORKS private var p01:Page01 = new Page01() addChild(p01) private var Hero:movieClip = p01._hero TweenLite.to(Hero,1.5, {y:640}) This works fine! However, if I then make Hero extend a custom class called 'Character' , which simply extends movieClip, the tween fails. But, I can trace out the tweens values just fine -- I just cannot see anything actually tween? Eg. //FAILS BUT I CAN TRACE VALUES private var p01:Page01 = new Page01() addChild(p01) private var Hero:Character = new Character (p01._hero) //where Character extends MovieClip TweenLite.to(Hero,1.5, {y:640}) Any idea why this is happening? My gut tells me this would be a targeting issue, however, since I can see values moving but not the tween... maybe it's because the MCs are nested in the SWC and tweenLite cannot update the stage?? Thanks for any help.
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