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Everything posted by garakatsamol

  1. thank you very much, i used the principle on a project and has helped me a lot
  2. @Carl Thank you very much, your approach is much more neet than mine! @Blake very interesting post indeed. Thanks! Thanks for the great work in GSAP and the great community here! Cheers
  3. Hi all, i have the following issue: I'm trying to build a full page mega menu. The main idea is that i create 4 columns and when a mouseenter event occurs to any column i change the width of the entered column to 51% and i shrink the other 3 columns to 17%. I run through an array of the columns and if the column is active i attach a timeline. If it is not active i attach a second one resetting it to initial values. (i am not very sure that this is the best practice, but that's what i came up, any suggestions are welcome). When the resizing happens i show the content of the selected column, or hide it in case it is not active. The issue appears when i move the mouse quickly so probably the resetting timeline is not over yet when the new timeline starts. I tried killing tweens before i apply a new one but this obviously doesn't solve anything. I'm feeling a little stuck, can you advise please? (sorry for the messy css, the problem is in the js anyway)
  4. Hi all, I have a weird problem i am using TweenLite to make some simple alpha tweens and in general it works fine but some times it just stops before the animation completes. It is very strange to me since i'm not using anything complex, just simple animations. I don't know how to trubleshout something like that. The only i could come up is setting up an onComplete event and i verified that the tweening never completes. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanx in advance
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