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  1. It was my bad I imported the classes instead of the swc and debugged into them : I'd used (or tried to use) the overwriteManager in this project and I must have been having a brain-fart when I initialized it because I'd written the code: TweenLite.overwriteManager = true; which of course causes it to fail when it reached this line in TweenLite.as: 306: _overwrite = (!(Number(vars.overwrite) > -1) || (!overwriteManager.enabled && vars.overwrite > 1)) ? overwriteManager.mode : int(vars.overwrite); It only happened intermittently, because as I changed things around in the code tweens were only occasionally trying to overwrite.
  2. Hi Jack, I am using the greensock.swc in Flash Builder 4.5 so no simple fla to post, and it has lots of asset and back-end database dependencies that would make it impossible for you to run. I'll try to reproduce the problem it in a small project I can send you.
  3. Any idea why I should be getting this similar error cropping up: Occasionally code which was working fine will suddenly and mysteriously start reporting the following error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property mode not found on Boolean and there is no default value. Most often the error occurs on a simple alpha tween call e.g: TweenLite.to(_ctrl, 1.0, {alpha:0.5}); I am not using any property called 'mode' anywhere in my code. This has happened numerous times and the only way I can get around it (temporarily) is to change my alpha tweens to direct property changes eg _ctrl.alpha = 0.5; which works fine. Typically i will use this for a few hours (or days) then change the functions back to use the TweenLite calls and just as mysteriously, they work. Any ideas?
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