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Everything posted by sbarret

  1. Hello all I'm doing a project where I must tween a number of elements as a "in" transition to the pages. I was having a number of problems with performance, and the new version of GSAP (GSAP 1.12.0) fixed them! (It's an iPad project) But... I've extensively used TweenLite.from - since I have all properties on CSS correctly set, and just need to fade and move them in - typical syntax is TweenLite.from('.example', 1, {opacity:0, y:-200, delay:1}); all this worked perfectly... until the GSAP update. Now the items are visible before the tween starts... (the delay period)... and only when it starts it goes to opacity 0. Before, the properties were set, then tween ran, and the job was done. So I tried to change it: I've create a function that sets the visibility in jquery when the function is triggered: TweenLite.from('.example', 1, {opacity:0, y:-200, delay:1, onStart:setElementVisible onStartParams:['.example']}); But nope... the initial position flickers on screen before the onStart funcion is rendered... so it doesn't work. Any ideas on how should I proceed to regain the old feature back? Please, do not suggest me to change all tweens to "TweenLite.to" - it would involve changing all CSS of the project, and change all tweens... things were all done here, I was only having performance problems with the lag... Thanks a lot!
  2. BTW, I'm using the latest version, there's no video involved and I'm manually tracking (through an enterframe) when things complete loading, so there are no failures, everything loads but sometimes the complete won't fire. The only thing I can think of as "different" is that some of the image loaders are being added after the initial loaders are already appended and running... other than that, it's all simple. I'll post updates!
  3. I'll try to isolate the code as much as possible to post and put an update here... thanks for the reply!
  4. Hello all I'm having an issue and don't have any idea of what to do. I have a loaderMax instance that has appended to it an xml loader, 25 image loaders, 3 swf loaders. Each loader (xml, image, swf) has onComplete and onError event handlers - everything loads and the complete fire just fine. Things can be seen added to stage, so that's good. The thing is that the loaderMax instance also has an onComplete; sometimes it fires, sometimes it doesn't. I can't pinpoint exactly what changes to make it fire or not - sometimes just reloading a page makes it work, sometimes reloading a page makes it stop working. I have traces for the progress; every time everything works, it ends on "1"; ever time it fails, it either ends on 0.9999956816315227 or 1.0185082703068316 - a bit less, or a bit more. If all the individual loaders COMPLETE event fire, why there's such a problem with the the loaderMax instance? What can cause this? Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. Genius! I missed that feature. Thanks a lot!
  6. Hello all! I'm loading a swf, wishing to instantiate classes that were loaded from it. What would it be the best practice using LoaderMax? Thanks!
  7. Hello all Inside my app structure, LoaderMax will load a swf in a different container from the one I have the LoaderMax code. This other container, a MovieClip, also has a class file with some code. The question that I have is - how should I access the loaded content from this other MovieClip, once the loading is done? I thought about creating a ContentDisplay variable, and assigning the loaded one there, but it won't work Example - let's say the swf was loaded into this container, and I know its name is "background" var loadedContent:ContentDisplay = getChildByName("background") nope, won't work - implicit coercion error. I know that the "background" ContentDisplay object is there, but I don't know how to keep referencing it in my code. Any ideas?
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