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  1. Hello, i'm using React Router v6 for the routing. On my two demo sites are ScrollTrigger Animations that run on useLayoutEffect with gsap.context. Now i'm trying to incorporate some route transitions with framer-motion, but somehow the Scroll Animations are not working on route change. I made a simple demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/bold-worker-3f5cnr?file=/src/App.js Thanks for helping out!
  2. Hi there, i'm looking for a solution to get a div scrolling above a pinned fullscreen image/video. If the bottom of the content div is fully visible the pinned image should scroll up and reveal the next section. I have it working with two separate sections, but some things on top are causing errors + it would be awesome if the content has a scrub animation on it. It should work like on this porsche taycan website (https://web.archive.org/web/20200609004443/https://www.porsche.com/germany/models/taycan/taycan-models/taycan-4s/). Thanks for your help!
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