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  1. saritas

    yoyo 1->2, 3->4

    Thank you very much again. I did find and solve the problem using codepen.io . Turns out it was a dependency issue. Your tech is really great and it was a pleasure using it. I am not really concerned with animations but now I would like to try more into the field.
  2. saritas

    yoyo 1->2, 3->4

    Thank you for the quick response, indeed I was using the old version. I've tried to get acquitted with the newer version of GSAP and it is really great, reduced my code to 1/4th. I've followed the documentation and a pair of examples but couldnt make it work. Could you please tell me if the concept is correct and maybe my html is messy... (Hopefully it's not just some comma) const tl = gsap.timeline({ yoyo: true, repeat: -1 }).to("svg *", { duration: 2, x: "+=random(-500, 500)", y: "+=random(-500, 500)", rotation: "+=random(-45, 45)", ease: "power4.inOut", opacity: 0 });
  3. saritas

    yoyo 1->2, 3->4

    Hello, I am writing to ask, if there is any example or tutorial with the following problem: I have two tween, which both need to yoyo. But the sequences is executed 1) first tween runs 2) second twin runs 3) second twin yoyos back 4) first twin yoyos back when its needs to be 1->3, 2->4 tl.staggerTo(path, duration, stagger_settings, stagger_val) .staggerTo(path2, duration, stagger_settings2, stagger_val); I am adding the yoyo: true; when initiating the timeline var tl = new TimelineMax(optionsGlobal)
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