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Everything posted by habhab.

  1. @ZachSaucier Sorry, I'm still figuring out how to ask the right questions and offset was the term that I needed. That negative delay works perfect. @akapowl Setting the offset in an if-statement just opened a new door for me. I will continue to experiment? Thank you!
  2. @akapowl That's so cool! I am experimenting with your suggestion and added a .delay to evenly space the atoms. Check it out: https://codepen.io/habsqrd/pen/jOVPZWE Is there a better way to start them all at the same time after the delay has been applied?
  3. @GreenSock The rotation works fine and am able to implement, although the tween restarts abruptly. Is there a way to continue the rotation indefinitely without that weird jump? Here's how it looks: https://codepen.io/habsqrd/pen/VwmYyjz
  4. In my codepen I have used % and px. Both are behaving differently obviously, but how can I use transformOrigin to make an element rotate(orbit) around a center pivot? I've seen the same question asked on here, but the answers were using tweenMax? In the documents it says tweenMax was deprecated ( https://greensock.com/tweenmax/ ) and included in the core with gsap 3. How can I approach this type of rotational orbit?
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