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About oscarsidebo

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  1. Thanks for a quick reply! targets: q(".animationScope").concat(layoutState.targets) does not seem to fix my issue.. ? I guess I'm assuming Flip uses getState and diffs it against targets to understand if a target is new or has disappeared. So that's what I'm console.logging, and as far as I can see, the element that was found in the getState-array is not in the targets-array, but still onLeave is not firing. Btw, I updated the example with your suggestion.
  2. Hey! In this React example (sorry, I don't know how to embed codesandbox examples) I can't get the onLeave callback to fire. onEnter works as intended, but onLeave is not firing even tho, when logged, I see an element in layoutState not accounted for in the elements that I feed to targets. I hope the example is minimal enough ? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi, I'm struggling to understand why my carousel here isn't wrapper back to the start (x=0) when using modifiers? Am using flex-box to initially position the element, might that be why? https://codesandbox.io/s/stupefied-microservice-s1unz?file=/src/App.js
  4. @web_roll yes, thanks for this! Allowed me to understand the mechanics. With that said I don't quite understand how the x: `+=${totalWidth}` works. (I've seen this on all similar examples) Since gsap.to() targets all children elements here I'm assuming the x: += syntax is making the value dynamic? If not how would it be different to just x: totalWidth ?
  5. @USOBlake would your example be possible with boxes that have dynamic width? Struggling to implement that.
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