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Josh Rogers

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Everything posted by Josh Rogers

  1. Hey guys, Hopefully someone can help here I'm trying to recreate the effect that Apple have achieved on their 'Pro to the Max' text where as the background scrolls up the text colour is changed. It almost seems as though it's being revealed? Page can be found below: https://www.apple.com/uk/macbook-pro-14-and-16/ Is there any way I can achieve this with GSAP and Scroll Trigger Thank you in advance
  2. That's perfect - thank you very much
  3. Hey guys, Is it possible to fade a video's sound out as the user scrolls?
  4. Hey guys, I've got a html video which autoplays at the top of the page once the document has finished loading. Is there is a way to use Scroll Trigger to control the play, pause and restart of the video as it comes in and out of frame? Thank you
  5. Hey guys, On the scrollTrigger demos there is a really cool Guardians of the Galaxy Image comparison, I was wondering though is it possible to do this with more than 2 images. So the effect would be as seen on the demo but if you continue scrolling then another image would reveal over the top and so on Any help is much appreciated
  6. Yeah I had thought the background clip would be the best idea but I couldn't find an example of how to animate the gradient on that piece of text specifically Is there a way to change the gradient inside of the gsap.to() object ?
  7. Thanks for doing that awesome example Just wondering whether there is an easy way to change a gradient on text? For example the text could start as a black to white gradient and then on scroll that gradient changes to a red to dark red?
  8. Thanks for the reply - I will check out that thread now
  9. Sorry also just to add I am working with white text on a black background as well
  10. Hey there, Thanks for your reply I like the sound of the the first option that you mentioned with scaling or moving a transparent to black gradient over the text I don't suppose you would be able to do a codePen showcasing this in action? I am new to scrollTrigger and gsap so still learning all it's tips and tricks
  11. Hey guys, How would I go about creating some text that has a CSS gradient background which changes on scroll? Apple have a really good example here: https://www.apple.com/uk/iphone-12-pro/ There is a section which reads "Less bezel, more screen" and the text has a light to black gradient which changes on scroll Any help is much appreciated
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