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Everything posted by Lawston

  1. Fantastic, as always, sir. I see it plainly now and am a little embarrassed it took me this long. Many thanks.
  2. In the attached pen, the text draggable can be restored to its original center position using the 'restore' button, despite the 'this.x' variable used to compute that position is declared 'undefined' when printed to the console. Using the same 'this.x' variable to similarly restore the green line element to its starting position does not move, or flies off the SVG boundary. Thoughts?
  3. Thanks for the quick and insightful response, Craig. You did a good job of interpreting the issue and you solved it. Heres the Pen to see your handiwork in action with gratitude. https://codepen.io/Lawston/pen/GRrEjvz
  4. I wish to position other HTML elements within an SVG to their original alignment relative to a draggable element. This Codepen shows what doesn't work. Any thoughts? https://codepen.io/Lawston/pen/GRrEjvz?editors=1111
  5. Great input, Zach. This works great! Thanks much for the prompt response!
  6. I wish to save the position of draggable components within an SVG to a JSON file so the components can be restored to their position at a later time. Has anyone a codepen example (no jQuery) of how this can be done with gsap?
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